2: Sweet Coincidences And Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

Yagami noticed her fists clenching, "Well I'll gladly put you there."

Truth is he didn't really have a problem with Y/n, she on the other hand had a major issue with him. He doesn't stress over it though because he loves the banter.

Being the Chief of the NPA and the deputy Director's children the two were expected to get along. They did, they were at one point inseparable but as anyone can see, not anymore.

She loved his sister though.

"Feisty." he whispered while maintaining a stupid, proud smirk and inched closer to her face.

God how she wanted to hit him, something about him made him look so punchable.

"Careful now." she said softly, " I bite."


L eyes watched the screen intently, analyzing every single detail of the deaths of those FBI agents but one stuck out.

"It is quite strange, don't you think?" the detective spoke up.

"What is it?" the man with the curly black hair enquired, his name was Aizawa, and he always seemed to wear a mean expression.

L adjusted himself on the sofa better in his usual crouching position.

"The envelope. Penber has it when he enters the train but when he leaves it is nowhere to be seen."

Matsuda looks closer to the screen and gasps, "You're right, it looks like he's holding an envelope!" the young male exclaims.

He was the youngest of them all and quite childish but serious when he needs to be. The man had black straight hair and also had easy expression

Mr. Yagami approaches from behind them to add, "There was nothing like an envelope found on his body." He flips through the pages in his hands to make sure that he wasn't feeding false information.

Mr. Yagami was the chief of the NPA and head of the Kira investigation. The somewhat old man had earned an impressive title and reputation over many years in the force.

He had a thick mustache over his mouth with grey and black hair, He was the only one besides Watari who wore glasses.

"I can't believe you noticed that Ryuzaki!" however, L payed no attention to the remark Matsuda made.

He popped a piece of candy in his mouth, thinking of that girl every time he sees candy or sweets.

He really does want to go back but what was stopping him? He didn't know.

He didn't even know if she was a regular employee or if she didn't work there and was filling in for someone.

He never thought of making friends or being close with people, but she was obviously different for the detective to be thinking about her days after meeting her.

"It looks like if he is desperately trying to look inside the train." L position his thumb on his lip, concentrating... thinking, "Could it be that Kira was on that train?"

"You really think so, Ryuzaki?" He looked at the person who asked the question which turned out to be Aizawa.

Before the detective could speak, he was called by his confidant, Watari.

Watari was the oldest, having fully white hair and white mustache.

"Ryuzaki, Mr. Ukita is on the phone."

Ukita was another member of the task force, this one had a buzz cut and a semi round face. There wasn't much about him.

Another member who wasn't present was Mogi, he had a big and strong build and possessed black hair. He had a square like structure to his face.

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