“On your marks, get set, GO!!!” he shouted. We all split up and things started getting crazy. Exactly how I planned it. It was really fun though. My team won! Well, one out of three games, that is. But,

 “Everyone had fun, right?” Jenny says. 

“Yeah!” Paige and I yell together. Hee  hee. 

“Girls will be girls,” Andrew says. Everyone starts laughing. 

“Lunch at the Williams! Pizza for the winning team, and sandwiches for the losers!” my dad says. Why? Just why? 

“Just kidding! Pizza for everyone!” We all start cheering. 

Once everyone’s eating their pizza, Paige starts talking, 

“Okay, so we’re gonna play a game. It’s called truth or dare. I’m sure all of you have heard of this game before, so I’m not even going to explain it. I’ll just start. Okay, Adam, truth or dare?”

“Dare.” He always picks dare. He’s not afraid to do anything. 

“Eat a pickle smothered in a mix between hot sauce, barbecue sauce, mustard, and ketchup.” Paige says.

“Too easy. Bring it on.” Adam says. So I get all the ingredients out and he tries it. He makes a bad face then says, 

“Mmmm, so good,” 

“Really?” Jenny says enthusiastically but actually sarcastically.

“Really, it wasn’t that bad!” 

“Girls, I need to talk to you a moment. Adam, Andrew, Kanunu, you can stay here.” my mom says more sternly than usual. 

“Umm, okay...” I say. I really hope we didn’t do anything wrong. Turns out my hoping is wrong. 

“Who picked where you were going to play capture the flag?”

“Well, the field is an automatic spot for games like that, soooo, no one, reaaally.” Jenny says. 

“Well it turns out someone bought that property four or five days ago. You were trespassing on some really rich guy’s property. He saw you and called the police. Then he went to Paige’s house and told her mom. He thinks you guys should all, and I mean all six of you, have a summer of juvenile work, such as working at an animal center, or doing town yard work. I think it’s fair enough. What do you girls have to say before the three boys get to join in?” she finishes. All three of us are speechless. Paige’s jaw is wide open. Jenny has a tear running down her face. My eyes feel like they are going to pop out of my head. How were we supposed to know? It’s not like he had a sign on it or anything. I’m about to scream. 

“Well, I guess an animal shelter sounds okay,” I half whisper. 

“Umm, yeah. That doesn’t sound too bad.” Paige says. 

“Phew! I thought you guys would beg to do gardening. I hate gardening!” says Jenny.

“Me too!” Paige and I say at the same time. 

“But, what if the boys want to do something different? Like, picking up trash or something.” Jenny says. 

“We’ll ask them now,” I say and start walking to the kitchen. 

“Okay, everybody!” Paige starts, “so, the land we were playing on was owned by some rich guy, and it turns out we now have to do juvenile work for the rest of the summer ‘cuz we were trespassing. Our choices are garden work or animal shelter. Take your pick.” Paige says. She is always the one, who, when we need something announced, she’ll do it, and she’ll do it good. 

“I don’t know about you guys, but I want to do garden work.” Kanunu says. 

“We girls have decided to work at the animal shelter.” I say. 

“I loooove animals!” says Andrew closing his eyes, tilting his head, and looking up. So. Dreamy. I love animals, too, btw...

“I guess I’ll go with you guys... Gardening doesn’t sound that fun. No offense, Kanunu.” says Adam. 

“None taken,” says Kanunu. 

“Well, I guess you’re the only one gardening. Sorry none of us want to,” says Jenny sympathetically. She always tries to make people feel better. That’s what I love about her. 

“It’s fine... I work better alone, anyway.” he says. 

“Okay... So, mom, when do we start?” I ask.

“We’re going to the police station tomorrow to work out the details. All five of you come to our house tomorrow at 9 ‘o clock sharp. Kanunu, I’ll call your mom. You all can leave now. Hazel, you stay here.” my mom says. Ugh. 


ANDREW:                                                                                        5:00 PM

“Andrew Jack Caffrey! I am so disappointed in you! How could you be so careless?!” my mom practically screams at me. Eesh. I’m in big trouble. 

“There was no sign and the Williams said they always go there. Nobody knew. You don’t have to punish me ‘cuz we’re already getting punished. The rest of the summer we have to work at an animal shelter. It actually sounds fun.” I say. 

“Well since that punishment sounds fun.. I’ll give you a punishment that isn’t fun. Summer school or babysitting. Your choice.” she says. Oh great. I wish I could say “neither” and this whole thing be over. Ooh, my dad just came home. This ought to be good.

“What is going on here?” he says.

“I’ll tell you to-” my mom starts. I bud in though.

“No, I’ll tell him right now.” I explain the whole story. He thinks working at an animal shelter is good enough punishment. Phew. After dinner, I get a text from a person named “HeyItsHazel” and it says “hi”. I’m so confused. 

Superman86: who are u

HeyItsHazel: me, hazel

Superman86: like, hazel williams?

HeyItsHazel: yep

HeyItsHazel: I <3 ur username, btw

Superman86: thx, how’d u find me

HeyItsHazel: I’m good that way

Superman86: umm ok, I have to go... TTYL

HeyItsHazel: bye, dude

Superman86: bye

How did she find me? Well, anyway, she did. And I kinda like that she did. I mean, it would of been awkward to just ask for her username, but I wanted it. She’s so cute, funny, nice... awesome. Well, maybe she doesn’t like me at all. Whatever. I’ll find out someday. 


Thanks for reading!!!

- Jena Perkins -

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