After School

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After school, I didn't see Cameron anywhere, so I jut decided to got home. as I went down my street, I saw Cameron beating up the neighbor.

(Put on Chill by Nelly)

I parked and then instantly got out of my car. "Cameron Dallas! Get off of him! Why are you doing this to our neighbor?" I yell. I pulled him off of the man who was now laying on the ground. I helped him up.

"You told me he was teasing you. I can't help?" He asked, panting afterwards.

" I didn't tell you to beat him up! What the hell can we are over! Just leave and don't talk to me ever. don't bother saying hi to me at school!" I reply, yelling.

"Fine! I was only going to have sex with you anyways." Then he just walked away and got in his car and drove home.

" Are you okay?" I ask, turning to the neighbor.

He nods and he looks back to where cams car was parked. I look over and saw blood. we shrug at the same time and we leave to go to our houses.

I went to my room and just started crying. that was the worst thing that could possibly ever happen.

Johnson LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora