291 14 2

Requested by: @-
Warning: violence, death, kidnapped, torture & starving mentioned

"Hank calm down!"

He jumped when Hank punched the wall again, harder this time.

"How am I supposed to calm down when [Name] is out there?! They kidnapped them while we were on a mission!"

Deimos and Sanford couldn't help but watch, knowing that if they ever get closer to him, they'll be a dead meat. 

The strength that Hank hold is much stronger when he is angry.  And he rarely get this upset.

The two looked at each other, asking what they should do. Right now, the only clue they had was [Name]'s shoe (they assumed it accidentally dropped when you were taken away) and some blood.

They have a feeling that you may have accidentally got hit when fighting against the culprits.


All of them turned to the direction of the voice. 2bdamned stood there with tablet in his hand.

"I found their location and the kidnappers' identities. Gear up. We're busting the kid out"


You laid there tiredly. Hands tied behind your back, eyes covered with somekind of harsh material. It hurts your eyelid.

It's been days since you last see your friends and partner. They took you immediately when all of them were gone. It freaked the fuck out of you when the captors broke in. You did everything to keep them out, struggle from their grasp. Everything. Yet they took you away.

The captors starved you. Only letting you drink once a day. They left you on the floor with no sunlight and every hour they come in to question you.

They did a lot.

They hit you when you didn't answer. They threatened you. Yet, you stayed quiet for the sake of your friends.

You tried to escape but each time you failed. The security in that place is higher than you expected. As if it's...

You froze when you heard the gate unlocked. You try to move away from the entrance out of fear. You couldn't however.

"[Name]. It's me"

You immediately recognized who it was. You wanted to reply, cheer even.. maybe cry too. You felt the material loosen around your eyes.

You fluttered your eyes carefully, trying to adjust after 3 days of seeing nothing but darkness.

Looking up, you see Hank kneeling down in front of you. He's covered in blood. You knew immediately what he have done.

"I got you, [Nickname]. Let's get out of here"

He picked you up gently and brought you closer to him. He was shaking, you could feel it.

You knew he was relief that he had found you before it's too late.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, [Name]. I killed all of them for you"

You gave him a smile and laid your head on his shoulder. You coughed out a thank to him.

"Hank.. you're my savior"

He left the room with you in his arms. Immediately running out of the building to let 2bdamned treat you.

[HIATUS] MADNESS COMBAT x READER | ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now