|They finally met up|

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"Famous streamer finally meets with best friend after years of knowing eachother."

3rd person POV

Skeppy and BadBoyHalo, well known for being in the Dream SMP, Minecraft "hunger games" and popular for trolling people with their friends.

Current time : 9:14 AM

Darryl woke up to several messages from Skeppy flooding his phone making that annoying notification sound.

You missed a call from 💙Skeppy💙
Sent 9:09

Darryl rushed downstairs with messy hair, no glasses, confused and lightly stressed. The brunette arrived down the stairs to see a figure a little shorter than him banging in the door. He went towards the door and held onto the know and twisted it to the right. "S-skeppy-?" Darryl said with a slight rasp in his voice. "Good morning, muffin head!" Zak followed up. "Oh and call me Zak. It feels better" he continued.

Still in shock, Darryl held out his hands as Zak grabs them towards him. Finally, after years of talking they finally held eachother between they're grasps. Darryl gave a slight pat on Zak's hair as his head falls down onto his neck. Feeling his breathings, Zak goes in and pecked a little kiss on Darryl's dark and currently messy hair. Both in a light shade of pink.

They went inside and closed the door, Darryl helped Zak with his stuff and brough them to the spare room Darryl has always been talking about. Darryl went inside his room and gone to go get his glasses. Darryl enter his room walking towards his lamp stand. Grabbing his glasses, wiping it clear on his plain black shirt, and putting it on slightly falling off from his nose bridge. A loud fuss came from behind him, Zak was standing there silent eyeing Darryl minding his business. Zak looked around the tallers room and began to examine the place. Zak layed on Darryl's bed making it creak a little. Zak bounced a little on the bed hearing it's silent creaks.

"Bouncy bouncy" Darryl chuckled as he looks towards Zak knowing what it means. Zak smiled and sat in front of Darryl.
"How long are you staying here?" Darryl asks while cleaning the stuff in his desk set up. "Forever if that's fine" Zak said with no regrets in his tone. Darryl immediately pauses what he's doing. Forever? Oh my goodness! I'm so happy! I wil get to stay with my best friend! He thought to himself. Darryl looks over his shoulder to see Zak petting Rat, Darryl's pet dog, on the bed. Darryl let out a sigh and smiled. Darryl noticed himself heating up. Trying to hide this sign Zak walked up to him and hugged him by the waist.

Darryl felt a slight burst of heat through out his body. Smiling and flustered, Darryl tried not to look at Zak. "Why'd you get all warm all of a sudden?" Zak asks holding him tightly. "Well you're all hot and steamy, must have mixed up." Darryl said flushing a light pink colour, without thinking, most likely leading to a misunderstanding.
"NO ZAK, NOT LIKE THAT!" Darryl tried to defend himself. Did he lie about it? Yes. The steamy part i meant. Not the hot part, he clearly thought Zak was hot. This misunderstanding lead Zak to some out of context laughs while Darryl sat there, speeches, trying to pick up what he said. Darryl was known to be a streamer who doesn't curse. Although it doesn't mean he's innocent. He's clearly not, the way he quickly understood the meaning of what he said, he sat down and flushed a bright red.

After moments of only hearing Zak's laugher, Zak sat down beside his friend and started to tease him again. "Are you gay or something? You're all red, dude" Zak said in an oddly teasing voice. Darryl tried to ignore this fact. Zak set his head down on Darryl's shoulder, deeply breathing. Words cannot express what Darryl is feeling right now. The feels of the warmth of Zak's breath on his shoulders makes him wanna scream..

"Do you want some breakfast?" Darryl asked to distract Zak from what he's doing. "Sure!" Zak exclaimed. Zak stood up first throwing open his arms, signalling Darryl to grab his hands to pull him up. Zak pulls Darryl up, nearly tipping over. The both steadied up and walked to the kitchen. Going up to the kitchen counter, a small plastic figure of Zak's Minecraft skin was standing there beside Darryl's. Both on the same gray kitchen counter. Zak eyed the two plastic figures and tipped them down on eachother. The figures fell down with Darryl's figure fell into of Zak's. "What are you doing?" Darryl asked looking through the kitchen for something to cook. "Wanna recreate this in real life?" Zak teased to see Darryl looking behind him. Darryl closed the kitchen cabinets and faces Zak only to expect a quick pause. Darryl saw the two figures stood on top of eachother. Darryl never expected this to happen when Zak moved in, what a sick muffin head.

"What are you trying to tell me..?" Darryl said trying to not give off a 'not innocent' vibe. "You clearly know what the Youtooz are doing, Darry, you're not slick." Zak's right, he does know. "shoot.." Darryl said under his breath. "DID YOU CUSS ME OUT?????!!!!"
"NO, I SAID SHOOT NOT SH- THAT WORD!" It almost slipped out of his mouth. "You nearly said it" Zak joked. "I- i did.." Darryl easily gave up. "Theres nothing wrong with cursing, Darry. Just contain yourself if needed!" Zak happily explained. "You're right, i do curse but not Infront of people, on the internet, or in public. But if I do curse in public, it's usually under my breath so no one hears." Darryl explained in defeat. Zak threw himself oh Darryl for another sweet, wholesome hug.

This is where it starts.

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