Chapter 5: It's You.

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A/N: Above are the outfits that Camila and her two other friends are wearing.
Camila's P.O.V.: After talking to Felix for a while last night some things have changed. I've been feeling different when he's around.
I feel like I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him and his touch sends sparks thorough my body. I told myself that I wouldn't fall for him because he's my best friend and he wouldn't like me in that way.
I was home alone and I didn't really have anything to do so I called Jasmine to see if her and Allysa wanted to come over.
*on the phone*
*ring 1*
*ring 2*
Jasmine: Hey Mila what's up?
Me: Nothin' much just wanted to see if you and Allysa wanted to come over ...
Jasmine: Sounds good! We'll be there in a bit!
Me: Alright! See you then!
*end of phone call*
After I got off the phone with Jasmine I texted Felix to see if he wanted to come over with the rest of the guys.
*Texts Felix*
Me: Aye! Wanted to know if you want to come over with the rest of the guys cause two of my other friends are also coming.
Felix: Sure! Be there in a bit!
Me: Alright!
*End of Text*
After that I quickly jumped into the shower so I could get ready. I know that I wasn't going to go anywhere but I still want to look presentable.
After I finished showering I quickly got ready and applied some light make-up. Gladly I finished right on time cause I heard someone ring the doorbell. I ran downstairs and opened the door. I thought it would be the girls but it was Felix and the other guys.
I greeted them each and waited for the girls to arrive. I glanced over at Felix for a minute and he seemed kind of nervous. I didn't pay much attention to it but I still wanted to know what was up with him. I caught him looking my way a couple times and we made eye contact a couple of times but he would look down and blush. God it's so damn cute when he does that.
That went on for a while. He eventually got up and went to the kitchen. A couple minutes later I got a text from him saying to meet him in the kitchen. I calmly got up and made my way over there. As soon as I got to kitchen I sat down by the counter where he was. It was really quiet besides the others talking in the living room. I was about to speak up but I got cut off by feeling Felix's lips against mine. I was taken back by what was happening but I kissed him back with passion.
We pulled apart to catch our breathes and I couldn't help but look down and blush like crazy. He placed his finger under my chin to lift my head so I would look up at him.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." he said softly.
"What do you mean?" I asked a bit surprised.
He paused for a second and said, "Camila, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for quite a while.."
"Go on.." I chuckled lightly.
"Oh yeah right, what I was saying.. Uhm I've liked you for a quite sometime and I just needed to tell you.. It's okay if you don't like me back, I completely understand." He whisperd that last part softly.
All this time of thinking that he didn't like me I realized I was wrong.
" I-i don't know what to say.. I'm just surprised that you like me, I've been wrong this whole time thinking that you didn't like me in that way. " I was astonished. "I'm just glad I don't have to hide the way I feel about you anymore " I said with a bit of confidence. I smiled and looked down a bit so he wouldn't see my now rosy red cheeks forming a blush.
He brought his lips to mine once more and my hands traveled up to his neck while his were placed on my waist. The others were still talking in the living room but then it got quiet.
I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen and we were interrupted by Omar.
"Oh shit! I didn't mean to interrupt your guys' little make-out session " He said with a smirk. Soon enough the others came in clapping and laughing.
"So are you two a thing? Or what?" asked Alyssa.
"Uhm no.. Not yet." Felix said and winked.
Hello! I'm really sorry if this chapter sucked! I promsie the next one Will be better! Anyways I hope you all liked it! Don't forget to Comment/Vote. I swear I couldn't contain myself while writing this chapter Cx.

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