Chapter 4: That's All I Want.

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Quick A/N: So half of this chapter will be told from Camila's P.O.V. and the next half will be told from Felix's P.O.V. just to give you a heads up.
Camila's P.O.V: Felix would be coming over any minute now and I have a feeling this will all go downhill. Sometimes I just don't know how to keep my mouth shut. But what if I was actually starting to like Felix? He'd have to find out sooner or later but it's just something I wouldn't be able to bare with. Part of me wants to tell him what I feel but the other half is telling me that I should take things slow and let it flow. I could hear talking from downstairs and I'm guessing it was Felix talking to my parents. My parents trust Felix and they know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me or anything like that so they have no problem with him coming over. I slowly closed the door and sat on my bed waiting. I heard loud footsteps from outside my door and I already knew who it was but I still waited for him to knock.  Soon enough Felix was knocking on my bedroom door.
"Who is it?" I said acting like I didn't know he was downstairs before he came up here. "It's me Felix, can I come in?" He asked softly. "Go for it." I said calmly.  He slowly opened the door and sat at the edge of my bed as usual. I tried not to make him seem suspicious but it wasn't really working out for me. He came closer to where I was and then looked me straight in the eyes.
"Oh those gorgeous blue eyes he has" I thought to myself. He chuckled and then I realized I said that aloud.
"Thanks for saying my eyes are gorgeous it means a lot" he said with a smirk on his face.
"You're Welcome?" I said slightly embarrassed. I hid my face in my hands trying to hide the blush that was starting to appear on my face. I felt my hands being brought down and placed on my lap.
"Hey there's nothing to be embarrassed about it's all good." Felix said in a soft soothing tone. Those are the types of things that make me crazy about him, he's just so sweet and caring it's irresistible.
Felix's P.O.V.: There's this thing about Camila that I haven't seen in any other girl before. She's different from all the other girls. Her smile could light up a whole room and the way she talks is so subtle, her words flow perfectly. We have a different type of friendship, the type that we could act like a couple but not be one. I just get this feeling Everytime I'm with her. I don't know how to express it it's like I'm lost for words. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. If my day was a complete disaster she can make it a whole lot brighter. I don't ever want to lose her as a friend she means so much to me. Could it be that I was starting to feel something for Camila? I have to think straight and take the time to analyze what I'm feeling. Whenever I look at her I think of how I got so lucky to become friends with such a wonderful person like her. It's like she was put in my path and there was no way I could avoid her. I liked the fact that no matter what happens in life she'll always be by my side.
Chapter 4 Everyone! I'm sorry if that last part really sucked I couldn't think of a way to end the chapter so that's the best I could do. But what do you guys think? Does Felix like Camila? Will their friendship change? I guess we'll have to see and find out. Anyways don't forget to Vote/Comment!
-Stephanie ❤

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