The demon narrows his eyes at her, before glancing up and taking a look around the room. Carlotta sat facing the altar that she appeared to have set up with this ritual specifically in mind. To her right though was a book shelf, lined with books on witchcraft, demonology, and demonolatry.

"You are perhaps one of the smartest humans I've yet to meet," The demon admits. He looks at the bookshelf in more detail; there were also books on fertility, IVF, and so on.

"Have your doctors given you an explanation as to why you cannot bear children?"

"They say that my body can't handle it. The pregnancy may not be healthy; I may not even survive."

"Hmm..." The demon hums, "Well, you did make the right choice in selecting an elder. However, I am not a high elder. I am powerful, but I am not all powerful. I can grant you a pregnancy, but I cannot guarantee your safety."

Carlotta eagerly nods, "Yes, yes, that's fine."

He couldn't understand why she was willing to risk her life for this. Perhaps it was for the chance that she would survive the pregnancy, and be able to be the mother she always wanted to be. It was clear that Carlotta was desperate.

"If I grant you this," The demon begins, "What's in it for me?"

Carlotta nods, knowing that this question was coming, "I'm only human. I'm going to die eventually. When I do, you can feed off of my death energy."

The demon's eyes darken in delight.

"I haven't fed off of death energy in almost a millennium."

"I know," Carlotta says.

"I underestimated you, mortal. For someone who is still something of a novice, you are very knowledgeable."

"I come from a long line of witches."

The demon nods, understanding.

"Do you have a mate?" He asks.

"My husband, yes. He's asleep in the next room."

"Wake him. Lay with him. You will fall pregnant shortly after."

The demon then presses the palm of his hand to Carlotta's forehead, then speaks in a language that Carlotta had never heard before. Perhaps the language of demons. Carlotta knew what he was doing though: he was sealing their deal.

When he finishes, he removes his hand from Carlotta's forehead. She looks again to the demon.

"Blow out the candles, close the circle, and close up shop in here. Lay with your husband, and I'll see you on your death bed."

Carlotta nods, "Thank you, my Lord. Blessed be."

"Blessed be," He says in return.

He vanishes.


Both of the demon's promises came to fruition; that a pregnancy would occur, but that Carlotta's safety was not guaranteed.

When Carlotta fell pregnant, she was overjoyed. As a way of honoring the demon that helped her, Carlotta fashioned a necklace. She made jewelry as a hobby anyway, but the pendant on this necklace was special. Engraved into the metal was the sigil of the demon that had helped her, and Carlotta wore it always from that day on.

Carlotta hoped that she would pull through, that somehow she'd be able to survive the pregnancy and be able to raise her beautiful daughter...but when she saw the demon hovering outside of her hospital room window, she knew this would not be.

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