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I went to the match alone but the music in my headphones made me company. Church pop as always. If anybody in school found out that I am listening to something else on school grounds I might be suspended or even expelled.

I sat on a grandstand right next to John and Beth. Due to their hair and unmodified clothing, it was easy to tell they were dancing the devil's tango in the janitors' closet once again. I and Jen have never been so bold to do that. In fact, we have never slept together. Hers and my parents are super religious and if they found out, she would be disinherited and I dead. I was dating her just to make my mom happy.

The match was boring, I don't know what is so exciting about kicking a ball around a field. I watched it but kind of zoomed out of the reality. I realized I was looking at one boy for a long time. Boy in the field with number 13 on his shirt. He had dark black hair and looked cute. I shooked my head. "What in the Jesus hat I'm thinking, why I just considered him "cute"?" I gave myself an imaginary slap and continued not paying attention. But I couldn't stop staring at him. Something about him was just driving me crazy. I decided instead of being the weirdo I should go study, tomorrow we'll have a biology test.

"Hey Bro, this is boring I'm outta here," I told John. He just rolled his eyes but my non-presence didn't bother him anyway so he just continued undressing Beth with his eyes. I really should get some better friends.

I went straight to the schools' library because it's always quiet and nobody bothers me here. I sat down in one corner where usually nobody sits and took few books out of my backpack. I played music in my headphones and started learning. After about half an hour my French teacher sister Joanna appeared.

"Hello, Ethan, do you have a moment?" She asked and warmly smiled. She is my most favourite teacher so I smiled back.

"Of course." I simply answered.

"Would you mind give some French lessons to one of my students? He needs help and I thought it would be better from someone his age besides I don't have much time I'm already tutoring some other kids. So what do you say?" She looked a bit desperate so even though I don't like the idea of teaching some kiddo I agreed.

"Alright. I'll do it."

"Thank you so much, are you free tomorrow after school?" She asked

"Yeah, I am."

"Great I'll tell him to meet you here. God bless you and thank you again." She walked away and left me here with a surprised face and my biology books. I stayed in the library till five o'clock and then went home.

I arrived home. It was weird, quieter than usual. TV was off, brothers weren't running around and mum usually greets me home but today nothing. I wanted to go upstairs to my room but I realized I was pretty hungry so I went to the kitchen.

"Oh so you are finally here," said father ironically. He sat with mum by the kitchen table. They were probably disguising something when I came to the room.

"Your mother told me, you broke up with that girl Jen, is it true?" Continued father. Just by the way, he said it, I could tell he was really angry.

"Yes father, it is true," I answered. I tried not to look scared.

"What in the Jesus name were you thinking? Do you think every girl is waiting for you? Just look at yourself. What is wrong with you boy? No, no you're going to go to the Jens house apologize and start dating her again. You understand?" Yelled at me. I've had enough. He has no right telling me what to do.

"No," I answered

"What did you say?" He asked furiously.

"I said No, I'm not going to get back together with Jen." I wanted to be brave but the look in my father's eyes make me regret every word.

"You spoiled little brat, how dare you disobey me, I gave you life!" He was raving. He hardly punched the table. "I've had enough!" He stood up and walked towards me. Before I realized what his intentions are, he slapped me. Hard. I almost fell to the ground and receded a few steps but he was faster and slapped me again and again. He started taking off his belt. I quickly took my backpack and ran upstairs to my room. I locked myself just seconds before father could get in.

"Open that door!" He shouted and started pounding on the door.

I just laid on my bed. My face hurts like hell and my heart is pounding at an enormous speed. I tried to calm myself and put headphones in my ears. After 20 minutes I fall asleep. 

Once I was In Love... (bxb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora