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The shopping trip wasn't as bad as Liz had thought it would be. It didn't take as long as she thought it would either, considering that she was shopping with a man and a baby. They managed to get everything the baby would need for the weekend. When she arrived home, her mom didn't even bat an eye when she arrived with a baby. She told her about how she held down 3 jobs when Liz and her siblings were younger just to get by. She said she was glad that Liz understood the value of hard work. She even helped Liz to bath the baby. Liz had called Sam to update her about the new development. They were still on for their day at the park. They just had an extra guest. Sam couldn't wait to meet this baby that she was hearing so much about.

The next morning Liz decided to clean the house while the baby was still asleep. Her mom was already up and doing laundry. She told her about taking the baby to the park with Sam. Halfway through the cleaning the baby woke up. Liz changed and fed her and then left her in the middle of her bed, where she was smiling at the ceiling. Liz finished cleaning and decided to start getting ready for the park. She called Sam to find out where they would meet. Sam told her that her brother had the day off and had agreed to lend her his car. She was coming to pick Liz up in an hour. Liz asked her mother to watch the baby while she took a bath. Her mom agreed. When she was done she discovered that her mom had already given the baby a bath. All she had to do was pick out an outfit to dress her in and find a blanket since Sam had offered to bring the food. They were  dressed and ready when they heard a car hoot outside. Sam jumped out of the car and came in to greet Liz's mom. Then she demanded to see the baby. "Oh my gosh, she's so cute!" She exclaimed, making faces at the baby to get her to smile. "Okay, lets go. I want to here all about how this came about." She said pointing at Liz, who was carrying the baby and daiper bag. "I already told you though."
"You told me a summary. I want all the juicy details, the whole story" Sam said, winking at Liz. Liz roled eyes at Sam's  drama. "I don't know what  you are talking about, just grab that blanket and let's go.
They finally made it to the park. Liz had to sit in the backseat with the baby on her lap because they had forgotten to buy a car seat. They were now laying on the blanket in the shade with the baby between them. Sam asking about how the baby came to be in Liz's care for the THIRD time. Liz was getting frustrated. "What more do you want to know. I've told you everything THREE times already." "Fine, fine I'll stop" she said. "So, do you like him?" Liz rolled her eyes "Dude! His my boss. What's wrong with you?" Liz asked. "That's never stopped anyone before and anyways I've never known you to be impulsive. This taking care of a stranger's child out of the blue? Not like you at all." Sam said. "I told you, the guy was desperate and I  did it more for the baby then him. I mean just look at that pretty face. There's no way I could have left her with that clueless man. And believe me he was clueless. He didn't even know why we needed formula." Liz told her. "Whatever you say." Sam said just as Liz's phone rang. She answered without checking caller i.d.
"Lizeka? It's Jason"
"Oh, hi Jason" she said looking at Sam who was smirking at her.
"I was checking how you guys were"
"We are fine, Lu is asleep right now."
"Your daughter. Luthando"
"You gave her a nickname? I like it."
"I'm glad you like it. How did your meeting go?"
"Very well. The deal went through without a hitch. I really owe you one."
"Thank you. Is it okay if I come by to see her?"
"Sure, but we aren't at home, we are at the park. I'll send you our location and you can come by."
"Alright, please do that. See you soon."
"Looks like you are gonna meet him sooner than we thought." She told Sam after finishing the call. "What's going on?" Sam asked. "His coming to see the baby" Liz told her. She was about to send their location when Lu started crying. She passed the phone to Sam and asked her to send it while she saw to the baby. Sam took the phone and looked at the last received call. "You haven't saved his number?"
"No, I was gonna save it last night after he called but I guess I fell asleep and forgot. Here" she said reaching for the phone "let me save it." Sam smiled "No, you tend to the baby and   I'll sort this out" Liz shrugged and went to change Lu's daiper. She then gave her, her bottle. "How's it going there?" She asked Sam. "All good, location sent. He should be on his way." She said.
They carried on playing with the baby and before long, they saw the big black car driving up to them.
"Hello ladies." He greeted them. Liz made the introductions and offer him some of their lunch, which he exepted hungrily. "I thought you'd be out celebrating with your business partners or something." Liz said to him. "They have a celebratory dinner planned for tomorrow." He said. "For now I just want to relax and take it all in." They sat there for a while, just chatting and getting to know each other. Sam actually liked him, which surprised her a bit. But he was a cool guy. She could see why Sam liked him. Even though she denied it.
"I think we should get going now" Sam said after a while. It's  getting too cold for the baby to be out here." They packed everything back into the basket. Then waited for Liz to change the baby so they could pack up the blanket. Sam packed the basket in her car and the blanket went onto Jason's car since he was taking Liz home. Sam got into her car, waved goodbye and was gone. Liz turned around to find that Jason was on the phone. She opened  the back passenger door and put the daiper bag on the floor and put the baby in the middle of the seat. She then tried to get in. She tried different angles and different ways of lifting her foot. There was no way she was getting her short self in there without a boost. While she was thinking about what to try next, she suddenly felt hands on her waist and she was lifted up into the seat. She turned and stared daggers at him."You need to stop manhandling me" she said angrily. "I was just helping you out" he said innocently, running around to the driver's side and jumping in. "Where's the step stool you promised me". She asked.
"What do you need a step stool for?"
"How else am I gonna get in and out of this monster you call a car?"
"I'll see what I can do." He said laughing. "That reminds, where is the car seat you were suppose to buy? I can't be holding Lu on my lap everytime we have to go somewhere." Sam said.
"Was it on the list?"
"Yes, right up there with daipers and formula."
"I must have missed it. I'll buy one tomorrow before the meeting." And with that they arrived at Liz's house. He came round to open the door for her. Liz put the baby down and handed him the daiper bag. She then jumped down( literally) from the car and picked up the baby.

They said their goodbyes and she reminded him about the car seat and then he was gone. As she stood there watching him drive away. She realised that in the almost 2 hours they had spent together, not once had he asked to hold or even look at the baby. Strange

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