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Two weeks have passed since Liz gave her number to Mr big black car and he has not been in contact. Sam figured that he already found someone to look after his baby so there was no need for her to make any decisions. Which was alright with her because she had been having serious second thoughts about working for that Jason guy that she had never even meet. This way she didn't have to make a decision and Liz didn't have to know that she was just as much a scaredy as she was sometimes. They were leaving early today because of some holiday or other. Sam really wasn't pay attention during the meeting. What she didn't miss was that they were going off early today and they were off tomorrow which was friday, which meant long weekend. Yay!!
"Come on Liz" Sam called "let's go already, I can't wait to get out of here"
"I'm coming, just lacing up shoes. There I'm done." Liz said coming out in her jogging outfit. "Don't tell me you're going jogging on gorgeous day like this, after being given the rest of the day off. What's wrong with you?" Sam shouted at Liz. "I thought we'd go to the park and have a picnic or something."
"I was thinking that if a jog now then I'd have the whole weekend free to rest and recuperate. No jogging for me this whole weekend. We can go to the park tomorrow and then to the movies on Saturday. How does that sound?" Liz asked trying to make a deal with Sam. Sam didn't look convinced though. "Ever since you've on this fitness trip of yours, we haven't had any girl time at all. It's like you are addicted" Liz laughed "You're right, sometimes I do feel like I'm addicted to exercising. But I promise, this weekend is all about girl time. Just let me get this jog out of the way and then I'll call you tonight so we can make arrangements."
"Fine" Sam said giving Liz a hug " speak tonight. Bye"

Liz had made it all the way up to her favorite jogging spot and was now on her way down. She looked up and saw something she hadn't seen in a while. The big black car. Liz decided to ignore it and keep running, but it became hard to ignore when it stopped right in front of her. The door opened and the driver came out. Well now she could tell Sam without hesitation that this guy was tall. He came rushing towards her and almost knocked her over. Luckily he came to a stop in time. He was sweating and looked like a mad man with his hair standing up all over his head.
"Am I glad to see you!" he said with a nervous smile. "What's wrong with you? You don't look so good." Liz said.
"I'm fine, just fine" he said " It' just that... well.... I got an unexpected surprise today" he said. "What surprise was that?" Liz asked, curious. He opened the back passengerdoor for Liz and she peeked in. "Oh my gosh, she's gorgeous" Liz exclaimed

 "Oh my gosh, she's gorgeous" Liz exclaimed

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"How do you know it's a she?" He asked. "Well, she's dressed and wrapped in pink, so I just assumed."
"Well, you're right, she's a girl." He said running his fingers through his hair. "Didn't you tell me that she was coming nextmonth?" Liz asked.
"That's what they told me at the hospital and then today I get a call from them, telling me to come in quickly because it's an emergency. When I get there, they hand me the baby and tell me that she has been discharged and I must take her home." Liz was still confused. "Did her mother go into early labor or something?" She asked. "Actually she was born three months ago" he told her. "There were some complications so mother and baby had to stay in hospital but, now apparently baby is well enough to go home early and so here we are." He said, running his hands through his hair again. "So her mother is still in the hospital?" She asked. "Yes"
"Well okay then, good luck with your new baby. I'll see you around." Liz said turning to go. "Wait" Jason said grabbing her arm. "You can't leave, you have to help me." He pleaded.
"I have an important meeting for a big merger deal tomorrow. I've been working on this deal for months and it's finally coming together. Tomorrow's meeting is the big one where everything comes together and contracts are signed." He explained. "Please help me, what am I  supposed to do with a baby?"
"Bathe her, change her, feed her and never leave her." Liz said.
"I don't know how to do any of those things, and I need my leep so that I can be alert and ready for tomorrow's meeting. I really don't think this baby will sleep through the night. Do you?"
"What exactly is it that you want from me?" Asked a confused Liz. "I want you to take her."  "What? You're giving me your baby?" She was shocked. "No, just for tonight, so that I can get enough sleep an be able to finalize this merger tomorrow and then I will come and take her from you." He said. "What happened to the ad?" Liz asked. "Ad? What ad?" Now he looked confused. "The ad you were supposed to put in the paper for a nanny." She reminded him. "That ad. Well I got so caught up in preparing for this merger that I forgot all about needing a nanny. I told myself that as soon as this merger went through, I would concentrate on getting things ready for the baby. But, as you can see baby didn't wait for me. Please, you help to help me. I'll pay you for your time ofcourse."Liz thought for a minute. The guy was in a sticky situation from which she could help me. The baby was so adorable. Maybe she should help, just for the baby's sake. "Let's say I agree to help. Would that mean coming to your house to look after the baby?" She enquired. He ran his hands through his hair and looked at his feet. "The thing is, I have builders at my house getting the nursary ready. I'm basically living on a construction site. I don't think it's suitable for the baby. So I would humbly ask that you take her home with you until the nursary is ready. He said looking pleadingly into her eyes. Liz couldn't help it. She started laughing. "Are you being serious right now?" She asked. "First, you stop me in the middle of the round and ask me to look after your baby, no notice, no warning nothing. Second, you want me to take your baby to MY house so everyone at MY house can't get a good night's sleep because of a crying baby. Third, MY job is so un important that I  don't even need a good night's sleep in order to get an go do it the next morning. That's what  you're saying. Right? And by the way, what am I supposed to do with your baby tomorrow? Take her to work with me? She asked running out of steam at last. "I didn't mean to be rude or imply that my job is better than yours. I just need your help. Desperately. If you do this for me I'll owe you big time. You'd be saving my life. This merger is a make or break deal for me." He pleaded. "Okay, fine" Liz said "No need to start crying or anything, I'll help you out" Jason pumped his fist in the air. "Yes, thank you,  thank you. I really owe you one. Why don't you climb into the car an we can discuss this some more he said. He opened the front passenger door for her. "No, I'll sit in the back with the baby." She said. So he opened the back passenger door for her. Liz took her backpack off and put in the car and then looked at the seat thoughtfully. She was wondering how on earth she was going to get her short self up into that seat. Suddenly she felt hands on her waist and she was lifted up into the seat. "I could have gotten in on my own." She said, making herself comfortable and picking up the baby. "You were taking too long" he said going around to the driver's side and jumping in. "First things first"  Liz said handing him her bank card. "What's this" he said taking it. "That's my bank card, take a picture of the front so you have my bank account number so you can deposit my money" she said. "Okay" he said snapping a picture. "How much do you want?" Liz took her card back and put it away. "Since I'm doing you a favor. 'Make or break' I think that's what you said. I'll letyou decide how much it's worth." She answered. "Fair enough" he agreed.
"Since this baby's coming home with me, I'm gonna need a few things." Liz said. "Like what?"
"Formula for starters" she said. He looked confused. Liz sighed. "The baby's mom is in the hospital right?" He nodded. "Well then, unless either one of us can breastfeed, we need formula. Can you breastfeed?"she asked him. "Me?" He asked "you're the one with the breasts."
"Firstly, don't look at my breasts. Secondly, I may  have breasts but I don't have a baby so there's no milk in my breasts. Which is why we need..." she stopped, waiting for him to fill in the blank. " uh... formula?" He said. "Good boy" she said giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Hey, don't treat me like you preschool pupils." He said sounding grumpy. "Well stop acting like them. Now get a pen and paper so we can make a shopping list." They spent a few minutes writing out all the things the baby would need. Formula, daipers, wet wipes and so on. When the list was done, they decided to find the nearest mall to shop and then Jason would drop Liz of at her house with the baby. "Before we go, I have two more questions" Liz said. "Okay, let's here them." He said. "First question: why does your baby look like me?"
"Is this your baby?"
"Uh... yeah.. I mean yes ofcourse "
"And her mother's white like you?"
"Yes, why?"
"She looks mixed. But maybe it's just me."
"Yeah, it's just you. What's the second question?"
"What's her name? We can't keep calling her 'the baby' "
"I'm sorry?"
"Luthando- it means love"
" I know what it means. It's a Zulu name and I'm Zulu. Right now I'm a confused Zulu."
"Why are you confused?"
"I just asked you if your baby's mixed and you said no, but she has a Zulu name. What's  up with that?"
"It's a long story. Can we just go before it gets dark."
" Fine. I'm here to watch the baby, not ask questions, I  get it. Come on Luthando let's go shopping. You are sooo cute. I could just eat you up!"
Jason started the car and off they went. The only sounds in the car were of Liz playing with Luthando who had finally woken up and opened her eyes. "Here we goes Liz whispered to the baby. Your first shopping trip. Are you excited?"

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