√ π Idol Problems π√

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A {h/c} colored hair boy was just sitting beside the window not bothering listening to the teacher that was teaching in front of him.

As The {h/c} haired was just looking at the window, He felt a chalk hit his head and look at the person who throwed it.

"M/N! This is the 15th time of the month! Why are you not listening to my discussion!"

The teacher scolded him, All the class looked at M/N who was still had at said anything but he looked unbothered.

"Because I already know this Lesson your teaching."

M/N replied in a calm tone and the Teacher looked annoyed, While his Best friend Hu Tao was snickering beside him knowing what's gonna happen.

"Oh really? Then if you answer my questions correctly then I let you go home very early."

The Teacher said, M/N immediately starts packing his things up and wear his bag on his shoulders.

This actions made the teacher more annoyed.

"What Is The Net Prime Number After 7?"


"The Perimeter Of A Circle Is Also Known As What?"

"The Circumference"

"True Or False? A Convex Shape Curves Outwards."


"What Does The Square Root Of 144 Equal?"


"True Or False? Pi Can Be Correctly Written As A Fraction."


Y/N answered correctly once again as he uses his hands to close his mouth so no one can hear him yawned

While everyone I'm the Class watched him answer without hesitation and Hu Tao was giggling knowing the Teacher is gonna embarrased herself

"52 Divided By 4 Equals What?"


"What Is The Bigger Number, A Googol Or A Billion?"


"Are opposite angles of a parallelogram equal?"


"Complete The Fibonacci Sequences 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34?"


"How Many Sides Does A Nonagon Have?"




"What Mathematical Symbol was determined by Whiz Ferdinand Von Lindemann 1882?"


"True or False? All sides are equal in Isosceles Triangle."

"False, Two sides are Equal."

The Teacher's face is starting to turn red since he's running out of questions for M/N to answer and when he looked at M/N.

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