11. Emotion III

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It was the morning after.

Brett opened his eyes. His partner was already awake, watching him wake up.

"Hey Brett."

Brett tried to roll over to his side towards Eddy and rolled his eyes and shook his head.


Eddy smiled.

"What is it?"

"I feel like I've been hit by a bus."

Eddy let out a chuckle.

"That,, is not a very good expression, y'know"

"It's not? Well let's call it a happy bus then."

Eddy grinned.

"A happy bus, hey."

"Yeah... still a bloody bus though."

Brett opened his eyes and this time he smiled at Eddy.

"So, how are you?"

Eddy reached out and touched Brett on his cheek.

"I'm good, Brett. More than good. I feel great."

Eddy then bit his lip.

"What about you? How're you feeling, Brett?"

Eddy rarely asked Brett how he felt. He had hesitated to ask but he felt too compelled not to.

Brett gave the question some thought.

"Hmm...maybe a bit emotional?"

Eddy smiled.

"And how's that goin' for ya?"

Brett bit his lower lip.

"Y'know what, you weren't lying when you said it turns you into a blubbering mess."

"Who? Me or you?"

"...I think it did the both of us."

Eddy nuzzled into the crook of his partner's neck.

"Yeah it certainly did... it was great."

Eddy lay on his side, staring at Brett's side profile. Brett had kept biting his lower lip as he appeared lost in thought. Eddy gazed at Brett's concerned look and furrowed his brows.

"Was it not that great for you.. Brett?"

Brett cast his eyes towards Eddy and raised his eyebrow.

"I.. I didn't say that.. I just haven't figured out how to articulate it."

"Okay.. sorry."

"...What you guys.. as in humans do... is so ...complicated..."

Eddy gave a wry smile.

"Yeah, we talked about this before... It's frustrating and heart-aching and turns you into a blubbering mess."


"So, for what it's worth, I appreciate you joining me.. In this ridiculously chaotic mess"

"I'm glad to hear that."

"...So... how'd you find it...?"

Brett gave out a wry smile.

"Um.... Messy??"

Eddy this time burst out laughing.

Brett got up onto his elbows.

"OMG Eddy, you were there!? What else could you call it !? It was messy AF!!"

As Humanly Wizardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें