4. Notion - what makes you think this is a good idea?

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"I don't think there's anything here Brett.. Brett?."

Mouth agape, Brett stood in silence.

"Hey, what's the matter, Brett?"

Then Eddy saw it. Behind Brett stood a tall woman with long blonde hair. She had her arms draped over Brett's shoulders, caressing him from behind. Brett seemed immobilised by her hold. She then spoke to Eddy, her voice was breathy and gravelly;

"...I like your friend.. he's so cute. Can I keep him?"


Eddy scoffed in annoyance.

"Oh cut that out. I don't find this funny at all."

The woman stared at Eddy.

"Whaaaaat.. you no scared of me, no?"

Eddy shrugged. The woman shifted her focus back to Brett.

"Waaaaah, why he so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute?"

She stuck her tongue out. It was very red, in stark contrast with her very pale face. She started from the base of Brett's jaw and gave him a long, wet lick all the way up to his temple. Eddy grimaced.

"Stop that...!!"

The woman glared at Eddy. Then she let out a scream. It may have possibly been the most annoying shriek Eddy had ever heard of.

"Areeee youuuu oneeee of theeeeem wizzzzzzzzaaaardsssss!!"

"F*ck, will you stop messing around and just talk to me normally?"

Eddy's curt response made the woman stop screaming.

"...I was about to say you're kinda cute too but no, well maybe, but such a bossy smartass lah."

"And while we're at it, will you de-petrify my friend??"

The woman scoffed indignantly.

"I don't like wizards with no manners, lah"

Eddy let out an exasperated sigh and said as he grimaced;

"...Will you PLEASE de-petrify my friend."

"Very well. Bit of a shame, I was about to take him home with me..."

She finally let go of Brett who jolted then appeared as though his eyes re-focused to the present.


'Brett!! Are you okay??"

"OMG what the f*ck is going on?"

He immediately noticed the tall woman next to him and he jumped away.

"OMFG who the hell is.."

"Brett this is... um...?"

The woman smiled.

"It's Edwina, daaaaaarling. So pleased to meet you Brrrrrrrrrrrett, you are sooooooooooooo cuuuuuuute."

She bent her index finger and placed the part of her second joint into her mouth and nibbled on it as she batted her eyes towards Brett. Unfortunately, she bit into her finger a bit too much and her frail, decomposed fingertip fell off and landed on the floor. Brett and Eddy both stepped back, recoiling in horror.

Edwina frowned as she stared at her fingertip on the floor.

"...Oh crumbs. I'll have to go and get that reattached"

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