"Stage Fight"

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Beck and I were in the black box room, were he was practicing his stage fighting with Russ. While they were practicing, I was sitting on the chairs watching them. They were doing really good, well they were until Tori came in yelling Beck's name and running up to Russ, jumping on his back.

"Tori no!" I yell at her

"Oh, oh, get off-."

"What are you doing?!"


"Get off of me!" Russ yelled at Tori, trying to get her off him. "Who is this chick!?" Then our teacher came in, (along with the class) pulling Tori off Russ.

"Relax, relax, relax."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa- come on."

"Relax." Beck told Tori, who was being help back by Andre and panting. "Calm down." I say standing in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Our teacher asked Tori. "That guy was beating up Beck." Tori explains, Jade walking up to her, "Oh, you poor thing."

"We were practicing, and (Y/N) was watching us."

"This is Russ."

"I'm Russ."

"He's a professional stuntman. I invited him here to teach the class about stage fighting." The teacher explains. "And now, Tori says, "What's stage fighting"." Jade comments in "Tori's" voice.

"I wasn't going to say that." Tori said then Turing to Andre, "What is it?" She continued.

I roll my eyes

"Fake fighting that looks real, like for a play or a movie." Andre explains to Tori. "Yea, along with sound effects to make it sound real." I add in. "Oh."

"I took a class with him, last summer." Beck said, "Worst summer ever." I whisper to him, pouting. He smiles at me, leaning in and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. We look back at Tori, "Well, it looked like he was hurting you."

"Why do you care? He's not your boyfriend
" Jade told Tori, "Cause I figure, he already suffers enough pain being your cousin and all." Tori threw back at Jade, to which she did not like.

"You wanna see pain?" Jade threatened Tori

"Hey, why don't we go sit over there?" Beck said pushing Jade over to the chairs, to sit down and away from Tori.

"Why does she hate me?" Tori asked Andre, "Maybe she heard you play the French horn?" Andre answered. I, being near Andre and Tori and hearing Andre say that I laugh little

"Now, if I throw a punch at cat, like this..." Russ throws a fake punch at cat who gasps then starts smiling. "It's easy to see my fist didn't connect with her face." Russ explained, "thank you."

"But if we stage it from a different angle... then... like I showed you?" Cat nods, "Sound effect, ready?" "All set."

"To the audience on camera, it'll look like this."
Russ throws a "punch" at Cat with a sound effect, Cat acting like she got punched. "I'm okay everyone." She said happily, Russ pulling her hand up with his, everyone clapping.

"Alright, I'm gonna pair you guys up, and each team will work with Russ this week to prepare a fight scene." "I thought his name was Steve."

"He does look like a Steve."

Both Andre and Tori comment, everyone else started to talk all at once about his name, getting cut off. "My name is Russ!"

"Okay, and on Friday, you will perform your fight scene here in front of the class. Now the pairs will be: Beck and Cat, Andre and (Y/N), Gwen and Darren, Tori and Jade." "Tori and who?" Tori cuts off

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