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Hello my name is (Y/N) Sikowitz. Here's a little bit about me. I'm 16. My dad is Erwin Sikowitz.I have a boyfriend. Hollywood Arts, where do I start? Well it's a school for talented people like singing, dancing, music, etc. Oh I almost forgot to mention my Bestfriend is Jade West. We've been best friends pretty much since 2nd grade. Anyways I start going to Hollywood Arts tomorrow along with another girl. This should be fun!

Next day 6:30 morning

POV (Y/N):

My alarm went off. After I turned it off I go take a shower, brush my teeth, put only a little bit of make up and brush my (H/C) (H/L) hair. Once I'm done I get a text from Jade saying she's here.

Once we arrived to school we go to our class. I when we enter we see a girl I'm guessing the new girl was rubbing all over Beck. Oh no. Not good.
"Dude why you rubbing my best friends boyfriend?" Jade says. " I just - I spilled coffee on-" " Get away from him." Jade interrupted.

Ok I should step in now. " Hi, I'm (Y/N) and this is Jade and that's Beck my um-" "Her boyfriend now step away." Jade cuts in.

"Oh my god! The places one fire!" Sikowitz (my dad) runs in. Everyone besides Jade panicked. Beck picks me up and try's to leave.

"Kidding, kidding." Sikowitz starts. "Just wanted to get your blood pumping , which I did- HA!" He finished.

"Alright. Now, let's get started rumps in chairs." Sikowitz say. We take a seat Beck and I together and Jade next to me.

"He's our teacher?" Tori ask

"Okay, first I'd like to introduce our new students, (Y/N) and Tori." Sikowitz says. "And I like to thank Tori for her generous gift of $2 which she handed me outside, this morning, not necessary, but much appreciated." Sikowitz finished.

"Why'd you give him $2?" I ask

"I thought he was homeless." She answered

I shake my head with a grin. That's what he gets for dressing like that.

"Now, today we're going to continue our study in group improv. Tori, I assume your familiar with improv?" Sikowitz ask

"No." She said

Really you don't. Wow.

"Okay, crash course. Improv— acting without a script, which means the actors must make up there own actions and dialogue as they perform the scene. Understand? Excellent!" Sikowitz interrupts Tori.

"Jade, you will caption the first group of the day. Chose your actors." He says

Jade gets up from her seat and walks up to the stage and she said picks Cat, Beck, and I.
" And Tori." Jade smiles. Not a good sign.

Tori looks shocked and walks up to the stage.
"Okay, let's give em a place." Sikowitz says

"Home." Robbie say.

"Ooh real creative." Rex tease

"You be quiet." Robbie scowl

Rex just slaps him. Weirdos

"And now we need a situation."

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