"The Bird Scene"

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Today Beck was picking me up for school. I was already dressed when I heard a honk outside. That must be Beck. I went out to meet him in the car. Once I was in the car he leans over to me.

"Hey babe." Beck said, kissing me

I kiss back. "Hey love." I say back once we pull apart.

On a our way to school we talk, laugh, and listen to music. During our way there I didn't even realize we were already at school.

~Time skip~

"Betsy! Betsy!" Jade said. "That animal's delicious flesh can keep us all alive for another week."

"I don't wanna be alive Poncy." Cat said. "This pig is everything to me that my daddy never was, and I'll be ding danged—." Cat was interrupted by Sikowitz throwing a ball at Cat.

Cat screams

"Sikowitz?" Jade said

"What?" He asked

"You hit me in the face with a ball."

"Oh, come on, a truly great actor can stay in the scene no matter what's happening around her." Sikowitz said. "But it really hurt." Cat said. The bell then rings. "Oh, lunch, yay!"

Beck and I get up and leave to go to lunch. We go up to Tori to see if she wants to eat with us.

"Hey, you wanna come to lunch with us." Beck ask

"Sure, just let me— AHH." Tori screams

Silowitz threw a ball at Tori. "What was that for? I'm not acting right now." Tori yells. "We need to chat." Siko says.

"Dad, you could of just called her." I say, Beck's arm around my waist from pulling me out the way.

"And "Tori can I see you?" wouldn't have worked?"

"Have fun."

"Protect your face."

"Don't throw a ball or anything else at her again, dad." I point a finger at him while leaving. "Good luck."


"Hey, you know where I could buy a pair of ballet slippers?" Andre asked, sitting at table we're at.

"No, I don't. But I know where you can get yourself a pretty skirt and some lip gloss. Babe?"

"I'll be honored to make him a skirt and give some lip gloss." I say, pulling out my lip gloss

"Heh, heh, heh. That was a good one, (Y/N), Beck. Lip gloss." Rex laughed, raising his hand up

Beck stare at him, while I shake my head

"Why do you ballet slippers?" Beck asked

"Cause I sighed up for ballet."

"Whoa, whoa, isn't that kind of... girlie?"

"You only sighed up for the girls didn't you Andre." I say, leaning my head on Beck

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