Are They Always Like This?

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About fifteen minutes later, the car pulled into the driveway of a very average looking country home.  Vernon was the first to exit the vehicle, closing the door with a slam as he pulled himself out.  Petunia and Dudley climbed out to the car at nearly the exact same time.  Dudley slammed the door behind him, not lowering his seat for those in the back.  Percy glanced at Harry to see he had a vaguely embarrassed look plastered across his face.  Percy just chuckled before slipping his arm between the seats to pull the lever.  He then opened the door and jumped out.  His dog followed at his heels and Harry scurried out.  The Dursleys had already gotten inside at this point, seemingly forgetting their hospitable charade.  

To Harry’s surprise, Percy looked unperturbed by their inhospitable attitude, instead popping the trunk to gather his stuff.  He flung the duffel bag over his left shoulder and put the 40 pound bag of dog food over his right.  Harry jumped over to help, grabbing the small plastic bag full of what looked to be dog supplies.  Percy grabbed a second, smaller duffel bag out of the trunk before pulling it closed.  He turned to harry with a small grin, “Thanks for grabbing Astrums stuff.” 

Harry shrugged nonchalantly, “No problem, looks like you’re carrying plenty.”

Percy chuckled lightly before glancing sideways at the house, “Are they always like this?”

Harry could feel the tips of his ears reddening, “Um… sometimes… It depends more on who you are.”  

Percy sent him a questioning glance and Harry expounded, “Like, they are very clearly infatuated with Dudley… he is their biological son after all.”  

Percy nodded his understanding, “And you?  It seems like you live with them, right?”

Harry rubbed the back of his neck nervously before continuing, “Urm, yeah.  I do.  Aunt Petunia is my Maternal Aunt.  My parents died when I was still a baby, so I’ve lived with them for as long as I can remember.”

Percy nodded and turned to size up the quaint two story home, “I’m sorry, that sucks.”  He paused contemplatively, “They do treat you right, yeah?”

He was still turned away from Harry.  Harry had no idea, of course, that Percy, despite being very oblivious to most things, was hyper aware when it came to parent/guardian abuse and/or neglect.  Not just because of his own childhood, but he saw the same signs in Annabeth from time to time, and he was one of the only people able to settle the more skittish newbies at camp.

Harry hesitated for the briefest moment, “What, yeah, of course they do.  Feed, water, clothes, roof over my head, the whole shebang.”  

Percy finally turned to him and nodded slowly.  He knew there was more to a home than that.  He made a mental note to keep an eye on the boy.  He readjusted the bag on his shoulder, “Let's go in then, shall we?”

Harry nodded and opened the door.  He led Percy to the living room where Vernon and Petunia seemed to be waiting for them.  Vernon cleared his throat and announced, “You will be staying in Potter's room.  It's the only space we have.”  He waited for His nephew to nod before  sittin on the plush floral couch.  “You might as well go ahead and get settled in.”  He turned to Harry, his voice turning more gruff, “Show him the way and help him, Boy.”  His tone changed once more to threatening, “And no funny business, I mean it!”

Harry nodded meekly before picking up the owl chage and tilting his head to get Percy to follow him up the stairs.  

Once they read Percy and Harry’s now-shared room, Harry set the owl and cage on top of a perch-like structure on top of a raised perch-like thing before closing the door.  Percy’s keen eyes didn't miss the Lock on the outside of the door.  Harry double checked to make sure the window was locked before opening the owl cage.  The owl flew out onto a nearby shelf.  Harry watched as Percy once again approached the large snowy owl that eyed him distrustfully.  Once he got within six inches of her, she hissed and tried to snap at his finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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