I tread up the stairs and groggily open the bedroom door. Caspian is still cast asleep, holding a pillow in between his arms with a frown. I want to smile at the sight but I can't, my face is hard.

I walk over to the bed and nudge his shoulder. "Wake up."

He stirs but doesn't awaken. So I nudge him harder. "Wake up."

He grumbles under his breath and shields his eyes with his arm while looking at me. "Aura?" He finally says and sits up while rubbing his palms on his tired eyes. "What?" He asks and squints his eyes to me.

"Get dressed and come with me."

His eyebrows furrow. "Wha-" He starts but closes his mouth all of a sudden when he looks in between my eyes and nods.

He gets off the bed and puts on his boots before throwing on his brown jacket. "Less the way." He states and waits for my orders.

I eye him up and down, my face kept neutral. I want to smile at him, I want to say goodmorning. But I can't.

I turn around, not saying a word and walk out the door.

I pass by Dominic who's face lights up at the sight of me. I want to run over and hug him, but I can't.

Dominic frowns and looks over my shoulder towards Caspian. He then pursues his lips and nods before turning away.

I'm sorry. I want to tell him, I want to scream. But I can't.

My body just moves, it walks on its own and I find myself staring at a large glass door. I push it open and my skin is hit with the piercing cold. If I was myself, I would have shuddered, but I continue forward like i'm walking through a field of flowers.

I've taken note that this is the back of the palace. A white fountain is placed in the middle of the grass filled snow. The snow is a fresh layer and it looks like someone sprinkled a cake onto the surface on the grass. My head lifts up and I feel a snowflake land on my nose.

He likes kissing my nose.

My hand brushes away the melted flake and I walk further away from the palace. I'm aware of Caspian's presence behind me, yet he has said nothing.

Once my body is satisfied with the distance, I turn around and face Caspian who stands as if he is on guard.

Why are you tense? I want to ask but I. Can't.

"I need to free it." My voice sounds powerful and commanding. It is my own, it's just not me speaking. Or is it?

"Okay." Caspian nods and takes a step back.

"She wanted a war." I say deathly calm and yank of the chains within myself. My eyes blaze with heat, so do my veins and I feel the power rushing through, pumping within me while I stare at Caspian.

"And so I will give her a war." And the words were my own.

I shut my eyes and free the power, unleash it. I feel the icy fire burn through my arms and shoot out of both of my palms. The similar cold fire makes it way into my back muscles and my feathered wings shoot out of my back.

Retreat into DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now