Hunt (Sunghoon)

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(A.N: Please listen to the song above as you read this chapter! It goes really well with it and I found it so spooky and amazing💕)

"HOW DID SOME OF THEM ESCAPE!?!" I kept hearing, because Sunoo was beyond pissed about what happened at the Carnival last night. "Like I've said multiple times Lord Sunoo, me and Sunghoon have no idea how 3 of the guests managed to escape." Jay repeated calmly.

"FOR GODS SAKE YOU GUYS HAD ONE JOB!!! ONE!!! AND YOU FAILED THAT?!" Sunoo yelled, glaring at the two vampires infront of him, his eyes burning red from anger. Neither Jay or Sunghoon said anything to that, they just looked down at the ground, disappointed in themselves.

"Give me ONE reason why I SHOULDN'T lock you up in the dungeons with silver chains covering your bodies!!" Sunoo said, slamming his fist against one of the arms of the throne. "Because we can go and search the forest to see if they are there My Lord, and we will make sure we bring them back here as vampires." I spoke up, looking Sunoo in the eyes.

He seemed to consider that for a second, but scoffed and said: "Fine. You go tonight, and if those three aren't back with you, and they aren't vampires, you will be punished." Me and Jay looked at eachother before nodding in agreement. "In the meantime, I want you guys to come with me so we can practice being out in the sun and you guys can practice with your powers. I'm already quite used to both, since I've lived in this castle for many years." Sunoo said, standing up from his throne.

+Time Skip+

The sun had finally set behind the horizon of the trees, and me and Jay left the castle, wearing white silk shirts, black pants and both having long black capes around our shoulders. We walked towards the forest that was shrouded in mist, our pale skin almost shining in the moonlight and our sharp fangs gleaming. We walked into the cool mist, the moonlight illuminating the entire forest and making it look both mystical and creepy at the same time. "Should we split up?" Jay suggested. I shook my head. "No, we may get lost and not find eachother." I said to him.

"Hold on, I try sending a message to Jake to see if he's close or if he found someone." I said, closing my eyes and putting two fingers on my temple in concentration. Jay stood beside me silently, waiting. After a couple minutes I opened my eyes and said: "Jake is this way, let's go. He found one of the people I was chasing."

Me and Jay took off running super quickly Southeast, heading to were Jake had told me he was. We got there quite easily, thanks to our power of super speed we had gained from transforming into vampires. We slowed down outside a old wooden shack, where Jake and someone stood, the human tied up in a silvery rope so he couldn't break free. "LET ME GO YOU LIAR!! I TRUSTED YOU JAKE!!!" The human yelled, angry towards Jake. Jake laughed, not a single hint of sympathy in his voice. "And that was your first mistake little Jungwonnie. Now that my friends are here, you know what has to happen." Jake said, kneeling beside Jungwon and placing a hand on his forehead, saying:

"Obey umz ê say, êda don't resist against êt."
(Obey everything I say, and don't resist against it (translated from Vempe, the language of some vampires))

Once Jake had finished speaking, Jungwon relaxed completely and he had now been hypnotized by Jake. Jake smirked, showing his fangs before getting close to Jungwon's neck, then letting his fangs sink into Jungwon's soft flesh. Jungwon just sat there, not even caring about what was happening to him. I highfived Jay and said to him: "That's one down. Two more to go."

He nodded at me as Jake removed his fangs from Jungwon's neck, before snapping to break Jungwon out of his trance. Jungwon instantly winced in immense pain, tears falling from his eyes and struggling to get his arm free so he could cover the wound on his neck. "What did you do to me!!!?" Jungwon said angerly, tears streaming from his eyes. "Well it's simple. Jake bit you, and in a few minutes you will be a vampire like us!" Jay said with a laugh.

"You sick monsters!!!" Jungwon said, before groaning in pain. After a few more minutes, he let out a silent scream and his eyes closed, but he didn't pass out. A few more seconds passed and Jungwon opened his eyes, having turned into a dark red color like the rest of the vampires there. "Ugh, get me out of this stupid rope will ya? Don't just stand there!" Jungwon growled, showing his new fangs. I walked over to him and swiftly undid the knots that were used to keep him in place, and once I undid the last one, I backed off.

He stood up and stretched out his arms and legs, and felt the fangs he now had, with an evil smile on his face. "Let's go cause some hell boys, what do you say?" Jake said, grinning wickedly. "YEAH!!!" The group shouted, before running off into the forest to search for the remaining two that had escaped the Carnival....

And that's the first official chapter! I know it was pretty long, but I had to fit alot of info in so it would make sense haha🤣

Let me know what you thought of it by leaving a comment!!💕

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