"Y/N can you just-" "NO!!" I push him away, and walked back into the house. "Y/N can you just STOP?!" I pull my arms.

"MIN YOONGI!!WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I yelled loudly. "I'll let you check okay?!" he show me his phone.

"No it's okay, I don't WANT to watch it anymore." I swing his hands away and ran into the house. I ran upstairs and texted Lucas.

- Chat -


I'm sorry Yoongi took my phone just now. :

: Is everything okay? Why he's so mad?

I don't know what is he thinking about :
Maybe he's crazy :

: Just talk nicely okay?

Yoongi came into the bedroom. I ignored him and continue texting Lucas.

He walk to me and sit beside me, I rolled my eyes and moved away. "Yah....baby..." "Shut up. I don't want to heard  your voice." I turn my back to him and continue texting with Lucas.

He moved behind me, back hugged me. I pushed his hands "Let go before I bite your arms Min Yoongi." I hit his arms harsh.

"Yah....I'm sorry..." he put his head on my shoulder. I bite his arms. He hissed but didn't stop me. I stopped and push his hands away from me.

"Baby....please forgive me I promise I didn't hide something from you-" "I don't want to know. Stop. I don't want to talk with you." I keep struggling.

He tighten the hugs "Baby~ I'm sorry~" he wrap his legs on my waist. "No don't talk to me!!" I hit his legs.

"Yah.....I'm just trying to look your reaction...." "No this isn't funny!" I turn my head and push him. "See I didn't even read the message yet you can just read it by yourself!" he show me the screen.

He hasn't read the messages, and I turn my head to him. "See, just read it yourself." he put his phone on my lap.

I took it and unlocked since the passcode was my birthday. I open the text.

- Chat -


: Mr.Min, I've asked Mr.Wang about the basketball competition, and he said that he would do it by himself.
: They said it will held on 20/11
: So....please text me back asap once you've read.
: [ link attached ]
: This is the name list link for those players.

"So now do you believe me?" he pecked my cheek. "But you're making me mad! You just grab my phone away while I'm talking with someone!"

"Yah...I thought you was talking with-" "No! Just no!"

"Yah I'm just sorry okay?!" he keep pecking my cheek. "Stop it you disgusting boy." I push his face. "Baby, please forgive me~"

"No" I push him away. "What can I do for you to forgive me?" "Don't you ever raise your voice at me" I pull his ears.

"I know it's my wrong~ I'm not supposed to yell at you, I thought you was talking with Felix or Hyunjin-"

"So you mean you don't trust me?" I move a little far away from him and look at him. "No, just I want to protect you from them...." he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Fine. Just forget about this." I sighed. "I have something to tell you...I was planning to move out..." "Why? All of sudden?" "No....because....I'm going to be our school headmaster!" he suddenly wrap his arms around my waist.

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