~The scene changes to a boundless sky~

Vast. Clear. Crisp. And from it, a black speck rockets across the horizon. The image of unbridled freedom. Tucked into his riding position, Hiccup appears to be part of Toothless. They dip, roll and dive, over a sea teeming with Thunderdrums, pulling off daring maneuvers with honed refinement, making them seem effortless. Hiccup: "Yeah!" They jackknife heading skyward, rolling and tumbling through the ethereal cloud-scapes and joining high-flying Timberjacks as they soar information. Hiccup is bound head-to-toe in a snug, aerodynamic flight suit -- an asymmetrical, functional design of leather and articulated plates. It has an air of Viking bike leather. Hiccup: "What do you think, bud? Wanna give this another shot?" Toothless grumbles in protest. Hiccup: "Toothless! It'll be fine." With a click of a lever, he locks the pedals in the flared tail position. Hiccup then unhooks himself from the saddle. Hiccup: "Ready?" Toothless snorts unenthusiastically. Suddenly, Hiccup slides off of Toothless, peeling away from him like a skydiver from a plane, yelling as he plummets. Toothless dives after him. They spiral through the air, face-to-face. Toothless is having fun, despite himself. When he sees the ocean, Hiccup slips his forearms through a pair of tucked leather flaps, and yanks, unfurling sheets of leather as he extends his arms. They catch the wind, snapping like wings, and sending him gliding! Toothless unfolds his wings, too, catching up with Hiccup. The freedom is palpable. Hiccup and Toothless are, for the moment, the same. Feeling the same rush of adrenaline. Independently together. They plunge past cloud formations, splitting apart then crossing paths again. Hiccup: "This is amazing!" A cloud layer washes past, exposing a towering rock formation, dead ahead. Hiccup: "No longer amazing! Toothless!" Hiccup tries to steer himself away, to no avail. Toothless pours on the speed, trying to catch Hiccup as he hurtles toward collision. His locked tail makes maneuvering difficult. He's unable to pull up at a steep enough angle. Hiccup: "Oh, no! AHH!" At the last second, Toothless BLASTS the jagged rocks just ahead of Hiccup then wraps Hiccup in his wings as they fly through it. The obliterated peak rains down around them. Toothless emerges through the cloud of debris and hurtles into the trees of a neighboring peak. They tumble down the uneven terrain, coming to rest on a small plateau. Hiccup emerges from the cocoon of Toothless' wings. He switches his prosthetic riding foot to his walking foot and stows his leather wings. Hiccup: "That came out of nowhere." The sea stack cracks and falls. Toothless grumbles. Hiccup: "We gotta work on your solo flying there, bud. That locked-up tail makes for some pretty sloppy rescue maneuvers, eh?" Hiccup removes his helmet, revealing a 20-year-old Hiccup framed by wild hair, complete with a Viking braid. He walks to the edge of the cliff, taking in the New land. Hiccup: "Oh. Looks like we found another one, bud." An annoyed Toothless throws a small pebble at Hiccup's head. Hiccup: "Oh, what? Do you want an apology? Is that why you're pouting, big baby boo? Well... try this on! [Hugs him, tries to wrestle with him] Ya feeling it yet? Huh? Picking up on all of my heartfelt remorse?" Toothless playfully dangles him off the edge of a cliff. Hiccup: (Groans) "Oh, come on. You wouldn't hurt a one-legged-- AHH!" Toothless laughs. Hiccup: "You're right! You're right! You win! You win! " Toothless falls backward. Hiccup: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! [Playing with Toothless] He's down! And it's ugly! Dragons and Vikings, enemies again, locked in combat to the bitter--[Toothless pins Hiccup] --URFFF!" Besides we have to find her! Oh, there is Thor! Maybe he found her! Toothless runs towards Thor. Thor: 'We have yet to find her, but feel like we're getting closer each day.' Toothless: 'It's like they all forgot her.' Thor: 'Do you want to stay-' Toothless: 'What choice do I have? Y/n wouldn't have wanted to be here anyway. With all the animal abuse going on. We're treated like carriages, and the poor sheep are treated like toys.' Thor: 'We'll find her.' Toothless starts to lick Hiccup. Hiccup: (Groans) "Gaaaaagh! You KNOW that doesn't wash out." Toothless laughs and Hiccup splashes some spit on Toothless' face. Hiccup looks around at the new island he discovered and pulls out his map. Hiccup: "So what should we name it?" Toothless chews at his armpit. Hiccup: "'Itchy Armpit' it is. Whaddya reckon, bud? Think we might find a few Timberjacks in those woods? The odd Whispering Death or two in the rocks? Who knows... maybe we'll finally track down another Night Fury. Wouldn't that be something? So, whaddya say? Just keep going?" Toothless replies 'no'. A dragon screech catches their attention. Astrid and Stormfly land on the island and enter the scene. Toothless runs over excitedly to greet Stormfly. Hiccup: "Afternoon, milady. Where have you been?" Astrid: "Well, winning races. What else? The real question is... where have YOU been?" Hiccup: "Avoiding my dad." Astrid: "Oh, no. What happened now?" Random Dragon: 'WE CAUGHT HER SCENT!' Toothless: 'Common!' Hiccup: "Oh, you're gonna love this. I wake up. The sun's shining. Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftop. I saunter down to breakfast, thinking all is right with the world and I get": [Imitating Stoick] "Son, we need to talk." Astrid: [Imitates Hiccup] "Not now, Dad. I've got a whole day of goofing off to get started." Hiccup: "Okay, first of all, I don't sound like that. What is this character? And second... what is that thing you're going with my shoulders?" Hiccup: "A truly flattering impersonation. Anyway, he goes: [Imitating Stoick] "You're the pride of Berk, son, and I couldn't be prouder..." Astrid: [Imitates Hiccup talking to his dad] "Aw, thanks, Dad. I'm pretty impressed with myself, too." Hiccup: [Laughing] "WHEN have I ever done that with my hands?" Astrid: "You just did." Hiccup: "Okay... just... hold still. It's very serious." Hiccup: "You're all grown up, and since no chief could ask for a better successor, I've decided--" Astrid: [Cuts Hiccup off; excited] "TO MAKE YOU CHIEF! Oh, my gods! Hiccup, that's amazing!" [Punches him hard in the chest] Hiccup's fin pops out. Hiccup grunts and Astrid laughs. Hiccup: [winds the finback into his flight suit] "You're gonna wear out the spring coil. The calibration is very sensitive!" Toothless and Stormfly come running past chasing each other and knocking over Astrid and Hiccup. Hiccup: "Yeah, so... this is what I'm dealing with." Astrid: "What did you tell him?" Hiccup: "I didn't. By the time he turned around, I was gone." Astrid: "Well, it's a lot of responsibility. The map will have to wait for sure, and I'll need to fly Toothless since you'll be too busy... " Astrid realizes what she just said. Toothless: Like Hel. I don't like you near me nonetheless having me cart you around like a princess. Hiccup: "It's not me, Astrid. All those speeches, and planning, and running the village... that's his thing." Astrid: "I think you're missing the point. I mean, chief. What an honor. I'd be pretty excited.' Hiccup: "I'm not like you. You know exactly who you are. You always have. But... I'm still looking. I know that I'm not my father... and I never met my mother.... so, what does that make me?" Hiccup sits down and gazes off into space. Astrid sits down beside him and starts braiding his hair. Astrid: "What you're searching for... isn't out there, Hiccup. [Puts her hand to Hiccup's chest] It's in here. Maybe you just don't see it yet." Astrid kisses Hiccup's cheek but pulls back with Toothless' spit on her face. Disgusted, she tries to wipe it off. Hiccup: "Maybe. But, y'know... there is something out there." Astrid: "Hiccup..." He grabs Astrid's chin and points her straight ahead of them, showing her a large cloud of smoke. They fly towards it to investigate it. They fly through the burnt forest until they reach the ocean and see a large and piercing structure of ice, with large protruding spiky icicles. Hiccup: (To Astrid) "Stay close." ???: 'Funeral Fire. Melt this Ice and take these guys off of this place.' They fly around the ice, looking at all the ruined things caught in it, including ships, boats, and the remains of a wooden fort. Hiccup: "What happened here?" Toothless finds a pair of enormous footprints in the mud and makes a stressed sound. Hiccup: "Easy, bud." ???: 'Psst! Toothless.' Toothless: 'What?!' Y/n: 'Don't tell me you forgot me already. Don't be afraid this Bewilderbeast is a kind, honest, fair leader.' Astrid: "Hiccup!" Eret, Son of Eret: "Fire!" Hiccup: "Astrid! Look out!" A net is thrown at Toothless but catches Stormfly instead. Y/n: 'Midnight, catch!' Midnight catches Stormfly. Astrid: "HICCUP!" She slips from Stormfly and falls towards the ground. Toothless catches her. Dragon hunters try to trap Stormfly. She escapes the net and throws spikes. Eret: "Watch the tail! Tie those legs up!" Toothless flies past and Eret looks at him in wonder. Eret: "Is that what I think it is?" Y/n: "Eret son of Eret." *Flips down* "I have a few questions." Eret: "Did you bring those two?" Y/n: "No. Did you?" Eret: "No..." Y/n: "Ugh!" Hiccup: "STOP!" Teeny: "Get out of the way!" Astrid: "STORMFLY!" Ug: "Whoa, watch out!" Toothless, Hiccup, and Astrid land. Astrid: "What are you doing?" Hiccup opens Inferno, while Astrid grabs a stick. Y/n: "EVERYONE FREEZE!" Eret: "Yes ma'am." Y/n: "How's that burn?" Eret: "That cream works wonders." Y/n: *Takes out two jars* "You know the price." Eret: *Hands her two maps one to Viggo's base the other to Berk.* Y/n: "Thanks." Y/n hands him the creams. Y/n: "Time to go home, girls~" Eret: "Back again? Soil my britches... that is another Night Fury. Thought they were all gone for good. Looks like our luck's had a turn for the better, lads! Don't think Drago has one of those in his dragon army." Astrid: "Dragon army?" Hiccup: "Look, we don't want any trouble." Eret: "Ha! You should've thought of that before you stole all of our dragons and blasted our fort to bits!" Teeny: "Yeah, look at it!" Hiccup: "Wait..." Astrid: "What are you talking about?" Hiccup: "You think we did this?" Eret: "Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is, without do-gooder dragon riders sneaking in to rescue them." Hiccup: "What do-gooder-- there are other dragon riders?" Eret: "You mean, other than your thieving friend from last night? You tell me. You may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side, but we still have a quota to fill. How do you suppose we explain this mess to Drago Bludvist?" Hiccup: "Drago what-fist? Does anything you say make sense?" Teeny: "He's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow." No-Name: "And Drago doesn't take well to excuses." Eret: "This is what he gave me last time I showed up empty-handed." Shows a scar on his shoulder from under his shirt. Eret: "He promised to be far less understanding in the future." Hiccup: "Look, we don't know anything about a dragon thief, or an ice-spitting dragon" Eret nods to his men hidden behind Hiccup and Astrid. Hiccup: "Or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay? Just give us back our dragon and we'll go, Strange-Hostile-Person-Whom-We've-Never-Met." Eret: "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Eret. Son of Eret. The finest dragon trapper, alive. After all, it's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury." Y/n: "Grimmel almost wiped the species off the planet. Drago skinned one for a cloak. I say if those two can anyone could." Toothless roars. Hiccup: "And this is Toothless. He says we're going. Now." Eret: [Laughs] "Heh. They all say that. RUSH 'EM, LADS!" Y/n: "No he-" The hidden dragon trappers attack. Toothless fires at a large icicle that falls on the dragon trappers and keeps them back. They shout and jump away. Ug: "Oh, Watch out!" Hiccup pulls out Inferno and cuts the net off of Stormfly... Astrid: "Stormfly! C'mon, go! Go!" Astrid barely manages to escape on Stormfly, with Toothless and Hiccup following. Eret: "YOU WILL NEVER HOLD ON TO THOSE DRAGONS, YOU HEAR ME?! DRAGO IS COMING FOR THEM ALL!" Y/n: "Good luck with that cream." Eret: "Thank you." Y/n rolls her eyes. Y/n: 'Home, Berk, or Viggos Base?' Midnight: 'Viggos base!' Juno: 'Berk!' Y/n: 'Home it is. Then we'll decide.'

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