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After Steve left the party continued. Two or three hours later people started to leave. After everyone left Me and the other avengers sat and relaxed at the couches. We talked mindlessly, and shared stories. I laid my head on Natasha's lap and she occasionally played with the loose strands of my hair. I laughed and me and Nat shared a beer. I would usually have a sip or two.

Clint was playing and spinning drumsticks and sitting on the floor with Agent Maria hill. I didn't know her well, but we had a mutual respect. I wasn't really talking but I was commenting and laughing with everyone else. And never before had I felt like I had belonged this much, well maybe the second time.

Now we were on the topic of Thor's hammer. Thor laughs and pours himself another drink. "But it's a trick!" Clint says spinning a drumstick. " No, no, it's much more than that." Thor responds. " Ah, whosoever be worthy shall haveth the power. Whatever, Man it's a trick!" Clint continues with his point. Thor laughs again " Oh, please be my guest." Thor says smugly gesturing to his hammer sitting on the table. " Really?" Clint asks. " Yeah." Stark says. " Oh this is gonna be beautiful." Rhodey Comments. I smile and take a swig of beer. " Clint you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Stark teases. And we all share a laugh.

" You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint says to Thor standing in front of the Hammer. Then he grabs it and grunts as he attempts to lift it. Clint laughs " I still don't know how you do it!" Clint exclaims stepping away. " Smell the silent judgement?" Tony asks. " Please, Stark, by all means." Clint says. Stark stands and clears his throat " Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." Stark says and I could see the size of his ego. " It's physics." He says grabbing it. " Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?" Stark asks. " Yes, of corse." Thor answers.

" I will be reinstating prima nocta." He says before pulling on the handle unsuccessful to lift it. He lets go and leaves. " Be right back." Seconds later he returns with a price of his Iron Man suit. He grabs the Hammer again and I hear the wiring of the metal. Then Rodey joins. " Are you even pulling?" " Are you on my team? Just represent. Pull." Stark and Rodey say to each other. Even the two of them couldn't lift Thor's hammer. They both eventually step down.

That's when it started to morph into a party game. Who can lift Thor's hammer? Bruce attempted and was pulling the Hammer with all his strength then yelled and tried to make everyone believe he was going to become the hulk. But that ended with an awkward silence and smiles and me drinking a new beer. Then Steve stood ready for his turn. Thor's face was the same the entire time, smug and arrogant. " Come on, Cap." Barton cheers.

Steve grips the Hammer and I sat up when I heard something move and Thor's face changed to a look of worry. Then Steve held the Hammer up a few inches for a few seconds before placing it down. When he tried again it didn't budge and Thor acted as if he knew it would happen. Then Stark clears his throat and everyone looks at Natasha. " And, Widow?" Banner asks. When Natasha realized it was her turn she leaned back. " Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered." She says. Sipping on our shared drink.

Then they look at me and Stark speaks. " Well, what does the other former Russian-assassin say?" Stark asks. I then noticed all eyes were on me. " oh, no I-I can't." I say trying to take the focus off of me. " Oh come on. Humor me." Stark says. I look at him then Nat. She shrugs her shoulders I sigh. " Fine." I stand and take one last sip of beer then hand it back to Natasha. " я люблю тебя, Рысь. ( I love you, Lynx.)" I smile. " я люблю тебя, вдова. ( I love you, widow.)" I say before stepping in front of the Hammer. " Can anyone translate?" Stark asks. I pull my eyes away from tasha and look at Stark then walk up to the hammer. This was going to be embaressing.

I sigh then grab the handle with both hands. This feels so stupid. I tighten my grip and pull. It was like lifting a building or something. I grunt and pull using strength I didn't know I had. And for a second the Hammer moved, it may have been a few cenimeters. The sudden movement cause me to let go. I looked at it again. " That's my girl." Tasha says and I look to her " Okay that's it. Its rigged." Stark says breaking the scilence. " You bet your ass." Clint says pating Stark on the shoulder. " Steve, he said a Bad-Language word." Maria says teaseing Steve. Who then looks at Stark " Did you tell everyone about that?" He asks. I laugh " The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code." Stark says ignoring Steve. " Whosoever is carrying Thor's finger prints." Is I think the literal translation." Stark continues.

" Yes. It's a very, very interesting theroy. But I have a simpler one." Thor says standimg and grabing his Hammor with ease and flipping it. " Your all not worthy." Everyone groans. " Come on!" Stark says I laugh then I hear a high pitched scretch. I close my eyes and atempt to muffle the sound but that didn't help. I look around panicked. " Worthy." A strange distorted voice says. I look quickly and see a strange figure. What the hell?

" No. How could you be worthy?' The figure says before the voice evens out to an qually terrifying voice. The figure turned and limped forward. It was one of Stark's robots, exept it looked like shit. I stood quickly and had my hand near my gun and the other ready to grab Tasha. " Your all killers, especially you." He says reaching his arm to me. " Stark." " Jarvis?" Steve and Tony say. " I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a dream." the Robot says. Tony quietly says something to jarvis but I honestly didn't care. If this thing moves any closer, I'm not compleatly sure what would happen. " There was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in..In... Strings." The robot says, he sounded confused, almost like a human would. He kept stumbleing/limping.

" I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." The robot continues. " You killed someone?" Steve asks. " Wouldn't have been my first call." The robot says. " But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices." The robot says metaphorically. " Who sent you?" Thor questions. " I see a suit of armor around the world." A recored audio of Stark plays. " What is this?" I ask keeping my main focus on the robot. " Ultron." Bruce says. " In the flesh. Or, no, not yet." The robot Ultron answers. I look at Bruce and Tony. " Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready. " Ultron continues. I reach for my gun and carfully pull it out of the holster. " I'm on a mission." Ultron declares. " What mission?" Natasha asks. Then Ultron turns his head to us in a sinister way " Peace in out time." He quotes.

The walls beside him blow open and robots fly out. I grab Natasha and pull her out of the way and we run. I pull the gun and start shooting the robots, and I'm not the only one. Then a robot starts firing back and I take natasha and we roll ontop of the bar and land behind it. I land hovering above her with my arm as suport. " Are you hurt?" I ask looking at her. " No, I'm fine." She answers. I hear glass break and look around. " Я бы предпочел заняться чем-нибудь другим, пока ты лежишь на спине." I stand and shoot a robot. I see Natasha do the same thing. " Come on!" Natasha says and we dash to the stairs and fire back at a robot. Then the robots kept reciting the same frase. I grabed somthing and threw it at the robot firing at me and Nat. " Well that's one way to do it." She comments. I hear smashing and breaking of other bots before it was quiet. " That was dramatic." Ultron says. What the hell is this thing. " I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through." I hear ultron say as I walk down the stairs.

" You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it is not allowed to evolve?" Ultrom limps to a robot body? I'm not sure what to call it. He grabs it's head and lifts it. " With these? These puppets. There is only one path to peace." Ultron says droping the dead robot. " The Avengers extinction." Thor throws his hammer at Ultron distroying the body. " I had strings but now I'm free." Ultron says as he powers off.

I release my breath and turn back to Natasha. " Are you alright?" I ask. " Yes, you?" I nod and pull her close into a hug. She hugged me back and we just stood there, my eyes kept slowly closeing before forceing them open. " Lia?" I hear Natasha say. " Hmm?" She rubs my back. " Don't leave my side again." She sighs. I nod. " You look tired." She says. " So do you." I answer. " C'mon, lets get changed." She says. I didn't bother to resist.


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