Chapter 34... Tunnels

Start from the beginning

Gally chuckles a little, "I kinda had that coming... anyone else want to punch me?"

I laugh lightly, quickly running up to him and wrapping my arms around him.

"Gally.. I thought you were dead.." I mutter, feeling a tear run down my face.

"I did too.. sis. But, then I heard.. rumors. I had my hopes, to say the least." He grins, hugging me back.

I take in his familiar scent, sighing in relief that my brother is alive.

"You guys know this kid?" Brenda asks from behind me. I turn, glancing at her.

"He's Uh- my brother. And the guy that killed a friend of ours-" I start off, and Gally cuts me off.

"I was turning into a crank, I didn't know what I was doing." He defends himself.

"What's up with both of us and turning into cranks?" I ask with a chuckle. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Okay.. well— I can see you trust him, Y/n. Thomas, do you?" Newt asks, looking at Thomas.

Thomas just stares at Gally, evidently unsure.

"Look, you want in those walls? I'm your only way. There's no way you can make it in on your own." Gally says, crossing his arms over his chest.

I step away from Gally, walking up to Brenda with a smile on my face. She laces her hand in mine, and I sigh, resting my head against hers.

The others ramble on about stupid stuff— stuff I didn't care to listen to, anyways. I was just happy. Happy that I had all my favorite people around me. Happy my brother is alive.


So that creepy guy- I don't like him much. Not one bit... Unfortunately, however, we found out Newt is infected- slowly becoming a crank. How unfortunate.

"Y/n, before you go.. can we- can we talk?" Brenda asks. I glance at Gally, "give me a few, yeah?" I ask. He nods his head, "make it quick."

I nod, and follow Brenda out of the room, into what seems like an old office.

"What's up?" I ask, sitting down on an old, rickety wooden desk.

"It's about.. Teresa." Brenda says.

I give her a confused expression, "okay.. what about her?"

"Listen- don't take this the wrong way but.. I just- I can't help shake the fact that she was... is-... the love of your life."

My heart stops- or that's what it feels like anyway.

"Brenda.. come on-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"Y/n, please, don't make this any harder.. I'm- I'm trying to break up with you." She says. I feel a tear fall down my face.

"Brenda.. I'm sorry.." I mutter.

"It's alright... nobody did anything wrong.." she mumbles. I quickly pull her into a hug. I pull back, and our lips connect. For a final time.

And then, we both pull away.

"Now, go kick some ass before your brother kicks yours.."

I laugh at her words, and she laughs with me, wiping the tears from my face.

I hop off the desk, glancing at her for a moment, and then jog out.

"You ready?" Gally asks. I nod, and I follow him down the ladder into the tunnel.

"So.. what was that about?" He asks, once we're a reasonable distance from the hatch.

"Uhm... she broke up with me.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He asks, glancing over at me.

"I... don't really know. It's different.. I don't feel broken like I did with Teresa... hell, I might still be broken.." I mumble.

He chuckles, "You'll be okay. You'll get over Teresa some day..."

He wraps an arm over my shoulders, nudging me towards him in a side hug.

"I hope so..." I sigh, letting my eyes fall to the sewer tunnel floors while we walk.

//Hey guys, gals and my non-binary pals! What's up? I hope you're all doing fantastic! I sure am.
I'd like to apologize for the shortage in chapters. I had gotten a puppy which is what originally halted them. We rehomed said puppy. Now, I've started school. Lost my job. But this is my junior year, and I absolutely must kick my ass if I want to go to college. So that's what I'm doing! Haha, thanks for understanding! See ya in the next chapter, folks.//

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