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There was a moment of silence after Sasha stood and turned, before she heard the other seat scrape on the wood and then Sasha felt a cold substance splash all over her back. As she stood there in shock she could hear Paige yell before turning around. 

"Are you fucking joking?" Sasha said loudly to Demi as she dropped her now empty cup. 

"Oi, oi," Luke T ran over and stepped between them facing Sasha. "C'mon Sash, let's go get you cleaned up."

The blonde shook her head and let him and Siannise lead her towards the villa. As she did she saw Luke walking the opposite way towards where Demi was standing. 

"Sure, go ahead listen and believe whatever fucking lies she's going to tell you next," Sasha yelled over her shoulder, huffing as Luke T pushed her in the villa. She headed to the dressing room with Paige, Siannise and Molly. "I am fucking fuming."

"What happened?" Paige asked as the girl stripped out of her ruined dress. 

"I called her out for telling lies to Luke and she had nothing to say. And then I asked if she felt bad about any of it and she was like 'I don't have any loyalty to you' so I stood up and was like I hope it feels good knowing he's only getting to know you because you've lied to him about me. And then she chucked her drink on me."

The other three girls watched with wide eyes as the blonde stomped around the room, just putting her pjs on. 

"Are you alright?" Siannise asked the girl as she sat down. 

"I'm just really upset," Sasha sighed as she felt the tears come on. "Like I just want to be with Luke, but he's believing her over me and just making me feel like shit when all I've done is be truthful to him and have focused on him."

"Oh babe," Paige frowned as she squatted and wrapped her arms around the sobbing Sasha.


"Go get your boyfriend," Siannise said strictly, Luke T running off to grab Luke M. "What is going on?"

"Things have just escalated so much," the brunette sighed as he rested his head in his hands. "I just let Demi get into my head."

"Why have you done that Luke," Siannise shook her head. 

"She just brought up things that hit the soft spots," he looked at the couple in front of him. 

"Do you actually like Demi?"

"I don't know," he admitted. 

"Luke, you always said you wanted a girl that was all about you. That is what Sasha is, and you are sitting here throwing that away because you're listening to other people instead of Sasha," Luke T clapped his shoulder. "You would be stupid to let Sasha go, I will be 100% honest."

"I definitely think I've made a massive mess of things tonight," Luke sighed in the beach hut.


Luke was getting undressed when Paige came up to him. "She's laying on the couch right now, planning to sleep there. Go fix it," the blonde glared at him as he walked to the living room. 

He frowned when he saw a lump under a duvet on the couch. He crouched down and peeked under the covers to see Sasha's tear streaked face. "Oh Sash," he sighed as he lifted the duvet up. 

"No, I don't think I want to speak to you," she croaked. 

"Sasha, please," he stood there. "I don't want to go to bed upset."

"Fine," she sat up. "What?"

"I want to apologize for earlier," he sat down next to her. "I was acting on emotions. When she told me that, I was scared to lose you so I went on the defense. That's the only reason I said I wasn't sure if I wanted to get to know her."

"I just don't know why you couldn't think that she was lying," Sasha shook her head. "When have I ever even said another guy was attractive? If I wasn't set on you I think I would be showing that in my actions Luke."

"I know," he slowly reached out to grab her hand. "I am genuinely so sorry for all of this and for making you cry."

"Luke," she grabbed his face and pulled it to the side to meet her stare. "I am only going to say this once and if there is another issue after this we are done. I am with you. You could ask me to be exclusive right now and I would say yes. I would be fine leaving the villa tomorrow happy if it was with you."

"Heard, loud and clear," he smiled softly. "I am really sorry."

"Ok," she sighed and leaned into his shoulder. "So do you want to get to know Demi or not?"

"I think I'm good right here," Luke whispered as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

"Well then, just remember to take everything she says with a grain of salt now," Sasha rolled her eyes. Luke nodded before the two got up off the couch, Luke gathering all of the pillows and duvets as they headed back to the main bedroom. 

Molly smiled softly at the girl as she walked in. "You two alright?" She asked as Sasha climbed In with her for a cuddle. 

"I told him if he does that again we're done, I only want to get to know him," Sasha whispered as she saw Luke over her shoulder waiting for her to join him. She whispered her good nights to the other couple before climbing into her own bed. 

"I know I've already said it, but I am sorry," Luke whispered as they faced each other in bed. 

"I know," she sighed scooting closer to him. "You and I are in this together. I am still a little upset but I just want you to have a little faith in me."

"I do babe," he placed a kiss on her forehead, stroking her head as their eyes closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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