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"So how is everyone feeling?" Natalia asked that night as the girls were getting ready. 

"Nas is very lovely," Eva commented from her spot by the closet. 

"Lovely boy, and there is no one funnier," Sasha encouraged. "Priscilla? How about you, you and Mike talked for so long!"

"He definitely was laying it on thick," Priscilla commented. "But I think from first glance he is obviously attractive and we seem to get on."

"What about you Sasha, we saw you and Luke M cozying up in the corner," Eva teased the blonde. 

"Yeah, from first chats I definitely felt something there. Obviously just want to keep chatting with him but yeah," the girl grinned as the girls kept talking.

"It is only day 1 so I don't want to put my eggs all in one basket but I do think I could see some sort of connection with Luke M," Sasha ranted. "We'll see."

The islanders gathered in the kitchen to grab drinks and then headed to the fire pit where truth or dare was set up for them to get to know one another. "I'm just saying now, any kissing dare I get I'm passing off to Luke M," Luke T held his hand up in surrender to the girls. 

"Yeah, same but I'll share the love with Nas," Finn grinned as they all sat. Callum got up to start and pulled a truth. By the time it was Sasha's turn Molly had snogged Callum, Nas had revealed he had a thing for velvet lingerie, and Luke T had revealed his sister had once walked in on him jerking off. 

"Alright, I've got a dare. Snog the islander of the opposite sex you fancy most for 30 seconds," Sasha laughed as the others yelled and she stood up.

"I usually don't kiss on the first date, but I guess it is Love Island," Sasha shrugged.

The girl made her way around the circle to stand in front of Luke M. The boy grinned as the blonde barely had to lean down to connect their lips. Sasha had nothing to lose and decided to go full on, allowing her tongue to tangle with his as her hands carded through his soft hair. 

The two could hear the others counting but it was drowned out as Luke wrapped a hand delicately around her throat and the other wrapped around her waist to pull her between his legs. 

"Alright you two, time is up," Luke T laughed. The two parted breathlessly, Sasha heading back to her seat. 

"Naughty girl," Nas whispered from next to her, sending her into a laughing fit. 

"Great first kiss wasn't it," Luke smiled in satisfaction from the beach hut. 

They made it a few more turns before Luke T had to pass a dare to Luke M. "Kiss another islander's neck for 15 seconds."

Sasha watched as the boy looked around the circle, standing and making his way to her this time. He walked up and put a hand at the back of her neck, tilting it before he leaned down to begin placing soft kisses on her pulse point. 

He grinned when he felt her breath hitch as he lightly bit down as well, soothing the little mark with a kiss before the time was ended and he headed back to his seat. 

"I guess you could say the sexual tension is definitely there," Sasha giggled.

"So you and Luke M," Nas smirked as he and Sasha sat in the kitchen chatting. 

"I don't know. He seems like a nice bloke, I just want to make sure we can connect on a level deeper than that sexual tension," Sasha admitted.

"In the past I have been used for my body, like boys have acted a certain way until they got what they wanted and then left me hanging," the blonde confessed. "Now I'm a lot more cautious."

"I actually think you two would be quite good together," Nas commented as the two's attention was drawn by loud giggling. Of course the noise was coming from Natalia who was laughing at something Luke M had said, stroking his arm as he talked.

"She's laying it on isn't she," Luke T laughed as he joined the two.

"It is what it is," Sasha shrugged, turning to the taller boy. "So, Trotman, got any advice for me for your boy."

"Just be yourself," Luke T advised. "He has always said he just likes a girl that is unapologetically herself and doesn't try too hard."

Sasha nodded before asking "So I shouldn't go steal him from Natalia right now?"

"I don't think you need to worry about that girl," Nas laughed into his drink. Confused, Sasha looked over her shoulder and was surprised to see Luke making his way over to them. 

"Sasha, could I have a chat?" the boy grinned  as she nodded her head, intertwining her fingers with his as he led them back to the fire pit. 

"I don't usually kiss on the first date I feel like I have to tell you," she grinned cheekily as the boy sat down next to her. 

"That's alright I won't think any less of you darling," he set his drink down on the back of the seat, leaving his arm just behind her shoulders. "I wanted to try to get to know you some more!"

"Ok then, what do you want to know?" She tilted her head at him. 

He took a moment to think before opening his mouth again. "What are your biggest dreams?"

Love Island 2020/ Luke MabbotUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum