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Luke T had already returned alone to recouple with Siannise, Rebecca and Jordan were seated, as were Mike and Priscilla, Nas and Eva had returned and devastatingly Demi had been left single. Now it was Jess and Luke M's turn. 

"Alright Jess, you've recoupled with Ched. If Luke M comes back alone, he will be single."

The blonde girl smiled slightly, inwardly praying that Luke came back with a new girl. The group all looked towards the door. It opened to reveal a beaming Luke M, his hand pulling the tiny blonde through the door behind him. 

The group smiled as the boy's giddiness was clear on his face as the two made their way over to Laura. 

"Luke, welcome back. Sasha, welcome to the villa! How are you both feeling?"

Sasha smiled at the group in front of her as she let Luke speak first. "Obviously I'm so happy for Jess, but also buzzing to be here with Sasha as well."

"Yeah, I'm just looking forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully continuing to get to know Luke more as well," she grinned brightly as the group clapped and Laura gestured for them to take their seats. 

"Hello," Siannise grinned brightly as Luke M sat next to her, squeezing his shoulder. "So good to have you back."

"Thank you," he whispered to her as he wrapped his arm around Sasha, beaming when the girl relaxed into him easily. Sasha watched with a grin as Paige and Finn were reunited. Lastly was Shaughna. Sasha frowned as the girl spoke about how she was feeling about Callum, but still was choosing to stick with the boy. 

Sasha looked at the floor boards as she heard the islanders gasp. "Molly is obviously my best mate, but I felt so bad for Shaughna. Like obviously this is going to be a kick in the teeth to her."

"Callum, welcome back. Molly, welcome to the villa. Shaughna,  as you can see, did choose to stay loyal to you Callum. Anything you would like to say to her Callum?"

"I mean obviously this isn't nice," Callum said nervously. "I want the chance to speak with her and explain things, but at the end of the day I found a connection and I just couldn't let it go."

The rest of the group watched shell shocked as Laura turned to Shaughna. "Shaughna, anything you'd like to say?"

"Congrats hun," the girl smiled grimly. "Should've never trusted a scaffolder anyways."

Laura gestured for Molly and Callum to take a seat, doing the same for Shaughna after needlessly informing the girl she was now single. 

"Boys, unfortunately you have not be chosen. There are three girls from the Casa Amor villa who were not chosen as well," the group watched as Natalia, Jade and Jamie came down the steps. "Tonight you will be leaving the island. Go ahead and say your goodbyes, and I'm sure I will be seeing you soon."

Luke M and Luke T stood immediately, pulling their girls up with them. "Siannise this is Sasha," Luke M introduced, grinning as the girls hugged and said hello. 

"Obviously, Siannise and Luke T are my two best mates here. I know Luke likes Sasha, but I definitely want her opinion as well," Luke grinned in the beach hut. 

"So lovely to meet you," Sasha grinned as she pulled back from the darker haired girl. "I feel like I already know you from everything both of the Lukes have said."

"Shut up," Siannise rolled her eyes as she glanced up with a grin at Luke T. "Here, let's introduce you to the other girls."

"It was definitely intimidating meeting the other girls on a night like this," Sasha sighed. "Luckily they were all so lovely."

Sasha greeted Rebecca, Jess and Demi before the group minus Paige and Shaughna sat down. They all chatted back and forth before making their way to smaller groups. "I'm going to go grab a cup of tea," Sasha said off handedly, heading towards the stairs. She heard feet running before her hand was snatched up. 

"I'll go with you," Luke M grinned as they began their ascent. 

"Don't you trust me in the kitchen?" Sasha gasped in faux outrage. 

"Nah, just want to make sure you feel settled," he winked at her. 

"Cheeky," she grumbled as they reached the top floor. Paige was in the kitchen and Luke M was quick to introduce them. 

"How is Shaughna?" Sasha frowned as the blonde sighed and rolled her eyes. 

"Still in shock, but just really upset," Paige said heavily as Sasha filled the kettle. 

"I was very unimpressed with that boy in Casa Amor," Sasha said under her breath to the girl beside her. "I know Nas from home and just the way he treated his situation and the way Callum did was just leaps and bounds apart."

"What was Nas' treatment of it?" Paige pressed. 

"He told Eva he wouldn't kiss her until he spoke with Demi," the blonde explained. "He thought it was just very disrespectful, and Callum showed none of the same decency in my opinion."

The girls were interrupted by Shaughna exiting the villa and heading towards the kitchen. 

"You alright?" Paige asked as Shaughna sat on the barstool. 

"Just reeling I think," she sighed before turning to Sasha. "I'm sorry we haven't gotten the chance to speak, I'm Shaughna."

"Don't worry at all hun," Sasha shook her head as she felt Luke approach her. He put mugs down in front of her before leaning against the counter. "I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. If you need a fresh ear I am 100% here if you need," Sasha patted the girls hand before preparing Luke and her cups. 

"You excited to be here?" Luke asked as he lead the girl through the villa to head to the dressing room. 

"I'm excited to be here with you," she grinned cheekily as she pressed a kiss on his cheek before heading to the dressing room. 

"How are you all feeling?" Siannise asked Priscilla, Sasha and Eva. 

"Definitely excited to be here but obviously sad for the Demi and Shaughna," Sasha said as she took off her makeup. "I can't imagine how they're feeling." The other girls nodded before all of them headed to bed. "Goodnight!" Sasha grinned as the other girls headed to the main bedroom and she went to her and Luke's bed in the side room with Callum and Molly.

"C'mon then," Luke grinned and held his arms open as the girl padded over and climbed in to rest against his chest. She grinned as the two laid there as the lights turned off. 

"I'm just so happy to be here and see how things go with Luke," she giggled in the beach hut. 

Love Island 2020/ Luke MabbotWhere stories live. Discover now