There Is Always Another Side To Everyone

Start from the beginning

Her eyes flickered in surprise, "Really? I was honestly shocked when you chose Cap's side. I thought that you would choose Tony's side because of how close you are to him and Natasha.".

"But I was even closer to Steve and Bucky..." I trailed off.

"Because of your previous relationship with Bucky.", Wanda finished for me.

"Precisely.", I got up and walked to the window. I peeked out the curtains and was shocked to see busy streets. There were 40s era cars, women walking down the streets wearing work clothes or casual clothing with kids in tow. I stepped back and smiled at Wanda.

"Sometimes I don't realize how much I miss those days. The days when I was young and naive. And I thought that everything would turn out just perfectly. My own little happily ever after.", I said wistfully. "But... unfortunately, God had another plan for me. And I daresay I threw regular temper tantrums at him. I learned the hard way, sadly. I used to question why God did the things that he did or why he let certain things happen. I rarely got an answer I liked. Now, I've learned to let go and let God.", I stopped myself because I was going on and on.

"You always seemed so strong. I never knew there was another side to you.", Wanda looked rather shocked.

I smiled and sat back down, "There is always another side to everyone, some are lucky enough to hide and yet others freely show it.".

"Wow, you sound so wise right now.", Wanda looked at me in awe.

I chuckled, "Well, I do have 94 years under my belt. You learn a thing or two when you're a fossil like me.". Wanda laughed and I almost joined her before the room lurched.

My vision changed again and we were back in the jet. We had landed somewhere else and I could hear what sounded like... waves? Water? Where in the hell are we?

I got my answer as I was shoved out of the jet. I saw violent waves surrounding us and the dark, menacing clouds lurked overhead, adding to the dark atmosphere. We walked below and two large doors overhead sealed shut.

I saw Secretary Ross standing there with a triumphant smirk on his face, "Ah, welcome to The Raft. if you think that you are able to escape, well think again. This prison is a top-notch security prison that is underwater most of the time unless it is receiving new inmates, such as you guys. You are surrounded by one of the most infamously dangerous seas in the world. If you manage to get past your cell and the hundreds of guards stationed everywhere, you'll only meet an unforgiving sea.".

I heard someone clapping and I turned to see who it was. Clint was clapping with a mocking grin on his face, "Bravo! Bravo, Shakespeares! You know, I almost forgot what era we were in but then I realized that it was you who are in the wrong era!".

I couldn't help but grin and I looked at Ross, "So, how does it feel to have captured the Avengers?", I mocked.

"I'm actually planning on asking for a promotion at the next board meeting.", Ross looked exceedingly proud of himself.

I sneered, "Break a leg! And I actually mean that.", his eyes darkened as he gestured for us to be led away. They separated Wanda and me from Clint and the other guys, leading us away to changing rooms.

The guard gave me instructions and prison protocol, boring stuff. He tossed two blue jumpsuits at us, with some undergarments. "I made sure they were the right size.", the guard sneered.

He slammed the door shut and I changed. Unzipping my boots, slipping them off with some mild struggle. I took off my suit and tossed it to the corner. I changed my dirty undergarments into fresh ones before stepping into the jumpsuit pant legs. I slipped my arms into the sleeves and buttoned up it up.

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