Arrival of the Five Kingdoms

Start from the beginning

(I've added a picture at the start of the chapter as a sort of basic idea of what Prince Louis would look like. Feel free to imagine someone else, and/or recommend someone that would fit the role better.)

Despite his good looks, his father seemed adamant that he wasn't to marry or even court until he had approved of the girl himself. It was rumoured that the prince was a bit scandalous, always going out with girls behind his father's back. I didn't know if these rumours were true but from the way a subtle dimple appeared in his left cheek as he smiled at something his father said, I found it hard not to believe.

I felt Arthur looking over at me as we awaited King Olaf to approach with Prince Louis so I averted my gaze over to the King instead.

"What kind of a welcome is this? You have us hanging around like the last swallows of summer," King Olaf said with a small smile, coming to a halt in front of us, his son stopping just to the left of his father's shoulders.

"You are welcome indeed, Olaf," father replied, a smile reciprocating on his own face, shocking me slightly. It didn't even seem like a forced smile.

"May I present my son, the Prince Louis," Olaf said, gesturing for him to come forward.

"Prince Louis," father repeated, grasping Louis' hand in his own in a shake. "How like your father you are."

"Oh, please," Olaf laughed. "I always tell him he had better make the most of his youth. Won't stay looking like that for long. He's going to grow up to look just like me."

"You should give yourself more credit, father, I'm sure many women would still be interested in you," Louis replied, clasping his father's shoulder.

"I suppose I should introduce my son, Prince Arthur—" Both Louis and Olaf shook Arthur's hand in turn. "And my daughter, the Lady Chelsea." Once again, I fixed on a smile and lowered into a curtsy.

"My lady, you look like the spitting image of your mother," King Olaf said, kissing the back of my hand.

"Thank you, my Lord," I replied with a small smile.

"Pleasure to meet you, my Lady," Louis said, also kissing the back of my hand.

"The pleasure is all mine," I countered, thankful that that was the last time I would have to say it today.

"Arthur will show you to your accommodation. I trust everything will be to your satisfaction," father told the men.

With that, Arthur led King Olaf and Prince Louis into the castle, leaving me alone with my father.

"Do me a favour and try not to sleep with Olaf's son. Lord knows you have a thing for forbidden men and I will not have you jeopardise this momentous occasion," father hissed into my ear, leaving before I could even begin a response.

My own father really thought that I only had a thing for forbidden men. Of course, it's true but it still hurt to know that that was what he thought about me. Part of me wanted to just do it to mess him off, and a bonus would be that it would annoy a certain other person, but I am not that petty.


I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to find an outfit worthy of such an event. But after deciding I had nothing to suit the occasion, I made my way down to a certain Morgana's room.

"What about red? Red suits you and it is the colour of Camelot," Morgana suggested, chucking random pieces of clothing onto her bed as she decided what to wear herself.

"Well, what are you going to wear?" I countered, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"I'm torn between elegant and bold," Morgana said, holding up a bronze dress and a white sparkling dress.

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