Chapter 2: An Abrupt Discovery

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Susie continued walking towards the Lor Starcutter, intrigued by its exterior.

"Kirby!" she exclaimed, looking backwards. "This place is great—" Her voice trailed off, noticing that no one was there; Kirby had left.

"Well, that's his loss..." muttered Susie, feeling somewhat bitter that he had ditched her. She felt like Kirby had done it only due to the fact that she was a former villain, which was what hurt her the most about Kirby's actions. She wanted to be accepted, but with her villainous past, she doubted that it would ever happen.

Sighing softly, she entered the mysterious ship, not really knowing what to expect. For all she knew, the whole ship could be covered in rust, and that would be where she was staying for the next month or so. As Susie entered, she was amazed by all of the ship's features; there was everything she could ever imagine, just in this one ship! There were even rooms for games and copy abilities! Susie, noticing that the ship wasn't in the best condition, immediately began repairing it, temporarily forgetting about what Kirby had done to her. She walked over to the ship's control panel; above it was a large screen, flashing red with an exclamation mark in the center. After testing the controls for a brief moment, she came to the conclusion that the ship had a broken mast, and decided to go outside to fix it. Susie flew outside, carrying a toolbox she found inside of the Lor.

"Looks like the mast broke off... nothing that can't be fixed, heehee!" Susie smiled, beginning to fix the broken mast. In a mere fifteen minutes, she was able to fully repair the mast, leaving it in near pristine condition.

"That looks good!" exclaimed Susie, proud of her work. She sighed, picking up the tool box from the roof of the ship. She then walked back inside of the Lor, smiling at herself for finding a place adequate enough for her to live in. When Susie reentered the Lor, she began to spot more things which she felt obliged to fix. She found dust bunnies in various places, and began looking for a broom to clean it. Soon, she found herself searching all over the ship, desperate to find one.

"Where could the brooms be?" mumbled Susie, now finding herself back in the main room of the ship. She continued her search for a broom, sprinting across different parts of the ship. All of a sudden, while she was running, Susie tripped on something lying on the floor. She landed on top of it, her metal business suit—made out of Haltonium—clashing with the object she fell on. As she further examined the object, she began to realize that it wasn't an object: it was a living being. A Halcandran, to be exact. Before Susie could get off of the Halcandran, it woke up, it's bright yellow eyes staring directly at her.

"Sorry!" exclaimed Susie, attempting to get off of the stranger she landed on. She lifted herself off of him as quickly as she could, now sitting down on the floor. Susie blushed, embarrassed of the fact that she fell on top of the stranger. The living being she had tripped on sat up as well, slightly blushing at what had happened. As the Halcandran stood up, Susie began to get a better look at them. The Halcandran seemed to be a male, probably around her age. He had a blue outfit on, with a white and yellow cape. He was dark skinned, with vibrant yellow eyes which, for some strange reason, Susie kept finding herself staring at. Susie smiled at him, blushing even more due to her own embarrassment. She was unable to stop looking at him, but couldn't fathom why. She had never acted this way before, and the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she got.

"H-Hi! I'm Susie, the c-charming secretary!" said Susie, finding her introduction—for the first time—to be rather unoriginal. She forced a smile on her face, making herself laugh at what had just occurred. The whole situation made Susie feel like such a klutz; how had she not noticed him earlier on the floor? She sighed, letting the situation sink in. Susie looked down at the floor, feeling too ashamed of herself to initiate any more conversation with the Halcandran. When Susie looked up, she saw that the Halcandran had walked towards her, his hand extended forward to help her get off of the floor. Slowly, she placed her hand in his, feeling her own heart beat quicker than it usually did.

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