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jules was walking around her shared flat that she had with her best friend allison. she made her way towards the couch and she grabbed her phone from the charger. she had one notification from instagram.

hello! this is josh from the sidemen. i was wondering if you would like to be in the next sidemen tinder video? i will send you time and location if you would like to! let me know sometime soon. thank you!

"hey ally?" jules questioned her friend. ally made a noise so jules kept talking. "do you know who the sidemen are?"

"uh, i think i've heard of them before? why?"

"someone apart of the group just dm'd me on insta asking if i could be in the next tinder video." she paused for a second, "maybe we should watch the other ones to see how they go."

"well if i were you, i'd want to be surprised. you know what they look like and stuff." ally said from her room, still yelling across the flat.

"yeah your right, let me text him back telling him i will be in it."


hello! i would love to be in the video, just send me time and place and i will be there! cheers!

"okay," jules sighed. "guess i'm gonna be on youtube."

"lucky bitch." ally called from her room.

"you have to help me pick something to wear!"

"i got ya babe, hold on. I have the perfect thing!" jules walks over to ally's room and finds her friend rummaging through her closet. "i have been waiting for a night where we go out so i can put you into this outfit, but obviously with fucking covid we haven't gone out in bare weeks." she smiles, "so perfect opprutunity!"

"if its something you would have stuck me in when we were going out i don't know if it is appropriate to wear on youtube? or in front of people i haven't even met?"

"you have such little faith." ally says with a hand to her chest.

"no its just, you've stuck me in like 10 mini dresses to go out in and they were like mini, mini."

"okay, i see where you are coming from but this isn't a mini dress. its actually a cool outfit."

"okay, well i wanna be surprised on the day of, so don't show me yet."

"okay, you are gonna be the girl of their dreams, every single one of them."

"i'll try"


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