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ever since the day they had met, even if it was just for five to ten simple minutes, harry had felt as though something in his life had shifted.

and when he saw her dancing with her friends, and spill her drink all over JJ, it put icing on the cake.

he was currently sitting in a booth with Chip (who was on his way to being chippo crimes) babbling on drunkenly about football clubs and different rubbish.

he knew that he would never have the confidence like this again to go an talk to her. but with a drink in hand, and his mind a little foggy, harry walked over toward the commotion between her and JJ.


"oh my gosh i'm sorry i did not mean to do that. let me get you a napkin one second." she repeatedly apologized.

"no, no mate it's fine, honestly, i have plenty of these shirts at home it's no problem." JJ responded to her, lightly grabbing her wrist to stop her from wandering towards the bar for no reason.

"are you sure?"

"completely. how'd you like the shoot today?"

"oh it was lovely, you lot are very funny!" she said, leaning into his ear so he could hear her easier.

"ya, ethan told us that you were here, kind of didn't believe it since you said you were from Oxford." he replied. doing the same.

"yes, i live in london now though, job brought me here."

"oh what do you do?"

"physio therapist."

"damnnnn that makes a lot of sense!" he says loudly.

"oh does it?" she inquired.

"you give off those vibes, totally not a bad thing by the way, it's hot."

"uh huh." she said, not feeling as uncomfortable as she would be had anyone else made a comment like that. she liked jj, he seemed comforting and warm.

"well im off, i'm gonna go see if the bathrooms have a dryer to dry my shirt. give me your number first, you're sick."

"oh sure. also sorry again, i really didnt mean it." mumbled jules while plugging her number into the phone.

"man, stop apologizing, it no big deal, serious." he said again. he took his phone back after she was done, gave her a friendly hug and walked off towards the bathroom.

she was going to walk off towards her friends when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"hey, i saw you over here and just thought that i would tell you that you look unreal." harry said into her ear.

"oh thank you! you look very nice as well." she replied the same. "i liked your outfit at the shoot, you looked very handsome."

"is that the only reason you swiped right on me, not because of my amazing line?" he questioned jokingly.

"no, no, the line just pushed you over the edge." she replied with a smile.

"seems to do that a lot." he said in a joking manner and she replied with a large grin that made him smile in turn.

"you're very funny you know? all the lines that you splayed to the other girls and my one were hilarious."

"thank you thank you i do try." he said back with a small smile. "would you want to grab a coffee sometime?"

"i would love that actually."

"i must warn you though, i will not be as bold, i will be quite awkward, i am highly intoxicated currently."

"oh me as well, we will have to push through the awkwardness together i guess harry." jules had always been considerably awkward and shy, and from her research of watching all their videos, she found he was as well.

"i guess so jules." he said back while handing her his phone. "put your number in there."

"alright." she finished typing, "there you go harry, i'll see you for our coffee date?"

"oh so it's a date is it?" he teased.

"it is." she said with a smirk.

"i'll see you there."

the two parted ways, harry going back to chip who had completely evolved (or devolved) into chippo crimes. and jules back to her idiot of a brother who was fussing over her talking to strangers in a bar and giving TWO of them her number.

"oh shove off drew, don't act like you didn't once have sex with 3 people in a night before you met sophie."

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