✨Part 3✨

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*The next morning you and Bucky go to the cafe, talk and go on a walk but you suddenly see your cousin Miran...*
Miran: Y/n what are you doing here with this man?
Y/n: *Starts to speak to him in Turkish*
Bucky: Hey hey what's going on?
Y/n: Nothing don't worry!
Miran: See you at home Y/n!
Y/n: *whispers* crap *out loud* bye
Bucky: You said you live with your friend is he your?
*You quickly stop him*
Y/n: God no he's my cousin..
Bucky: So you live with your cousin? Why did you say you live with your friend?
Y/n: I was embarrassed because my family are rich... I just didn't want to seem like the type who was rich and got what she want you know I want to be normal...
Bucky: Wow ok I mean I'm not the type to judge so I really don't care..
Y/n: So we are ok? I'm sorry I lied.
Bucky: It's ok so can I see your house?
Y/n: Yes but in the evening when everyone is in their rooms. My grandma is a bit scary and strict!
Bucky: I'll be there *he winks*
*you smile*
Bucky: Someone's following us!
*You look behind*
Y/n: Great just what I needed today! It's fine it's my friends cousin!
Azat: Y/n have you seen Reyaan?
Y/n: No why she's probably with Miran by now.
Azat: I have to tell her and Miran I'm marrying Günul!
Y/n: What!
Azat: I have to go!
Bucky: what's going on there?
Y/n: family drama just family drama.
*That night Bucky came over you talked and had fun.*
6 months go by and Buckys met the family and went to Azats wedding with you!
*You wake up next to him.*
Y/n: Morning last night was amazing.😉
Bucky: Indeed *he smiles*
Y/n: I love you!
Bucky: *pushes you back* you can't I told you I don't do relationships this is all just a bit of fun!
Y/n: Fun wow it was all for fun so what you just used me just for your own pleasure?!
Bucky: No I just we were having fun weren't we I just didn't want anything to go further!
Y/n: Then why did we have- never mind this is all just a sick game I'm leaving! * you put your clothes on and Bucky stops you*
Bucky: Lets talk this out. We can still be friends with no feelings come on!
Y/n: No I can't stop my feelings for you Bucky and that's the truth because I love you!
Bucky: Well then stop loving me!
Y/n: I can't!
*Bucky gets angry and throw and chair across the room and throws a glass at you but it misses you and hits the wall!*
Y/n: What the hell Buck!
*He storms out his hotel*...

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