✨Part 9 ✨

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*You told him everything!*
Bucky: So wait... you're older than me by what 1000 years?
Y/n: Over 1000 yeah...
Bucky: You're And original hybrid, well so is your twin Klaus, and The rest of your family are original vampires?
Y/n: Yeah so our child is a powerful tribrid well currently a witch if he kills someone he triggers his werewolf side and if he dies he triggers his vampire side and becomes a hybrid like me and Niklaus!
Bucky: I thought my life was crazy!
Y/n: we got to see my family and we need their help.
Bucky: What a great way to see them for the first time.
*You laugh nervously*
Y/n: Yeah... Umut come on we are going to see your aunts and uncles.
* you guys get there and you introduced Bucky
to your siblings: Freya, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah. You also introduced him to Hayley (Hopes mother) and Hope (Klaus' daughter)
Hope is 1 year young than Umut.
*you explain why you came*
Klaus: I see, Hope had the same problem when she was born though.
Y/n: So did Umut but Davina helped but overtime the spell somehow stopped working! How's hope coping?
Klaus: She's coping well!
Freya: I can help and this time the spell will last longer and it is stronger!
Y/n: Yes it will help us all! Once he got mad at me for turning the TV off and he used his magic and The TV blew up... Temper like uncle Klaus this one!
Klaus: I'm rather offended!
* He laughed*
* Freya uses Elijah as he is powerful while you and the others caught up*
Freya: It's done. Make sure he wears this necklace at all times!
Y/n: I will thank you all!
* Bucky comes in*
Bucky: Umut broke a glass with that magic of his!
Y/n: oh my! Why?
Bucky: Hope took the toy he was playing with!
Y/n: oh kids what are we going to do with them? Let's just take him home to cool down. Lovely seeing you all!
* You all hug*
*you go home*
Y/n: You keep this on and never take it off or I will get mad.
Umut: Yes mummy.
Bucky: Hey buddy go upstairs me and mommy gotta talk.
Umut: Ok can I play?
Y/n: Yeah but when I come up it's bed time mister.
Umut: yay!
* He goes up and you two sit on the sofa*
Y/n: what's up?
Bucky: I love you!
Y/n: I love you too Buck...
Bucky: I want to be your boyfriend! I thought about it and I want a life with you and Umut!
Y/n: Really?
Bucky: Yeah, I want to go forward in life so can we be together?
Y/n: Yes of course Buck!
* You kiss*
*That night you get things done but you didn't finish your book! You stayed up all night writing it and finally finished it, you then go to bed with Bucky!

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