Chapter 3: Pretentious Potionmaster

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Garcia", I said, politely smiling.

"Oh, none of that! Please, just call me Vivian"

"Sure thing, Vivian", I said, a subtle smile forming on my face. "I'm Madel-"

"Oh, I know who you are"

I stared at her confused.

"Sorting hat ceremony! Duh?"

"Oh, ha ha, yes... Almost forgot about that"

"We have potions with the Gryffindors. Come on, let's go together", she said.

We didn't have to walk far as our potions class was located in the dungeon too, because it was taught by Professor Snape, Head of Slytherin. Me and Vivian were the first to arrive, followed closely by Harry, Granger and Weasley. I waved at Harry as he sat down but only received a weak smile in return. I wonder what's wrong...
Professor Snape walked into into the classroom. He looked awfully like an overgrown bat.

"There will be no foolish-waving or silly incantations in this class", he said completely emotionless. "As such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However for those select few..."
This man had a cold exterior and a curt interior. He's straight to the point, too bad his point was so damn negative. It's as if he walked into a birthday party and took away the presents and the cake. Professor Snape turned to the Slytherins, giving attention to Malfoy especially.

"Who possess the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death"
Professor Snape sharply turns his head to look at Harry who seemed to be writing what Snape was saying.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not. Pay. Attention!" Snape said. Harry quickly jerked up, fearful of Snape's expression.

"Sorry, Professor Snape, but if I'm not mistaken I believe Harry was only noting what you were saying", I said in attempt to relieve Harry of Snape's unwanted attention. He quickly turned in my direction. While Snape's attention was diverted, Harry mouthed thank you.
"And who might you be?" Snape asked.

"Madeline Evans, Professor"

"E-Evans?" he stammered. "Well... Detention! Do not give me that attitude"

Malfoy grinned and let out a quiet snicker. As, Snape walked away he said, "I'd wipe that foolish grin off your face Malfoy, otherwise you will Join Miss... Evans, in detention!"

Malfoy huffed and sunk further into his chair. Serves him right. What a strange boy, how was he nice to me at the sorting ceremony yet has now decided being a little shit to me would be a better idea. Kids like him are what I consider bullies. Snape returned to Harry. I got the strangest feeling that he hated Harry, but I couldn't quite grasp as to why?

"Mister Potter, our new celebrity", Snape mocked. Harry gulped. "Tell me, what would I get if I added powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"
Harry didn't answer. Hermione's hand shot up quicker than Snape could say 'Potter'. Snape ignored her completely.

"You don't know? Well, let's try again", Snape said, unsurprised. "Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a Bezoa?". Hermione's hand stretched even higher than I thought was humanely possible. Snape once again, ignored her presence.

"I don't know, Sir"

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?"

"I don't know, Sir"

"Pity...", hissed Snape. "Clearly fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?"
I did not admire Professor Snape one bit, clearly that was an attempt to publicly, humiliate Harry, but why? Turns out Snape was not yet finished, he narrowed his eyes at the poor boy.

"For your information Potter, Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of the Living Death, a Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for Monkshood and Wolfbane, they are the same plant which also goes by the name of Aconite. Well, why aren't you all copying this down?"

This man is honestly the most infuriating Professor I have yet to come across. So Harry was in trouble for writing notes and now he's being questioned on why he isn't writing notes. This teacher is beyond moronic, his manipulation tactics are poor. He then set us to create a cure for boils, after we all watched a brief demonstration. Unfortunately for me, my potions partner was Malfoy. He refused to speak to me the entire time and we must of doubled some of the ingredients because of it. The cauldron eventually made a loud bang noise and fell off the workbench. The concoction we made seemed to be more of an acid than a cure because it started to corrode the stone floor.

"Fucking hell, Malfoy!" I yelled.

"Fucking hell? Fucking hell!" he yelled back. "YOU DID THAT, NOT ME, YOU!"

"Miss Evans, Mister Malfoy, no one uses disgusting profanity such as that in my classroom!" Snape yelled. "Go outside! Both of you! And Mr. Malfoy, you will be serving detention with Ms. Evans"

He used what seemed to be a cleaning or reversing spell because I saw the cauldron going back to what it was as me and Malfoy walked out the door. Draco muttered something unintelligible, and then I hit his shoulder with my book.

"Were you insane!" I screamed. "This is what happens when you act immature! Communication is key in potions!

"Well... You didn't exactly talk to me now did you?"

He was right, and I hate him for that. I hadn't attempted to communicate with him at all.

"I- Okay. I'm sorry", I said. He looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Uh, um... Yeah whatever you stupid half-blood"

He clearly wasn't accustomed to people admitting mistakes or apologising really. Footsteps were echoing down the hallway. Professor McGonagall came from around the corner and approached me. Malfoy raised an eyebrow.

"Ms. Evans. Please do follow me, Professor Dumbledore has requested your presence, the matter is urgent", she said, I looked at her; shocked. "Well? Do come along now"

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