°Part five°

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"Actions and consequences go hand in hand."

"Pretence is something we're all bred with. It's up to you to fully master the art of it".

"There comes a time when you become immune to all the bullshit that surrounds you. It doesn't bother you nor does irk you like it used to".

"Cherish the little moments and achievements you experience and achieve. I don't know about you,but life has become even shorter".

"Stop apologizing for expressing yourself in a way that doesn't make someone happy or satisfied with the manner you're expressing yourself."

"The thing is, I speak,show and give you enough to get you under the illusion that you know me".

"Your experiences build you".

"Being without money isn't cute."

"Sometimes the pain just becomes too much too bear."

"I wish I had someone to talk to. One to whom I won't have to conceal anything."

Really apologize for the short chapter.

Take care❤

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