°Part three°

17 3 12

Dedicated to JennaKaroliina16. She's awesome.

" You can't expect somebody to help you if you aren't willing to help yourself".

"May you heal from the pain you've endured. As that pain leads to many making decisions based on what has been done unto them and can't move past what happened."

"Try to surround yourself with the right people,there's just something about the energy that radiates off them that's heartwarming."

"Stop being nosy about other people's lives. If they want you to know, they'll tell you on their own accord "

"Pent up anger is dangerous."

"Don't be selfish,if you have knowledge of something,share".

"Its okay to want to be alone or away from peopleat times."

"Prove yourself to yourself,not others,you don'thave to prove yourself to anyone or compare for that matter." [if this even makes any sense].

"Blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places where people see nothing".

"God's blessings go far beyond anything mankind can ever dream of."

"Sometimes we forget how truly blessed we are. Stop comparing your situation with others."

"Make time for yourself. You can't make everyone happy."

"Don't expect people to treat you as you treat them. Very few if not non, will."

"Be careful about what you say to others."

"Ever met someone who sparks the most unwanted and deadly reactions out of you?"

"Never let what you've went through limit you from going further"

"Being quiet gives you time to really analyse certain things in your life"

"Not everyone is who they claim to be"

"The state of happiness is such a beautiful state to be in."

"If you have feelings for someone, in most cases if you express your feelings it might be genuine rather than keeping those feelings a secret. "

"Its really sad how you tell someone something and they tell other people about it. It isn't cool to do that."


Here's another chapter. Its quite short though 😕.

Take care
Bianca ❤

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