3. A Deadly Mistake

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"You're the guy from the elevator."

I'm not asking but he answers, "Yes."

My mouth goes lax. He heard it all. My plan. Me calling him a hassle. Beads of sweat start to roll down my back. This is very bad. I take a deep breath, straightening my trousers. "You have a habit of eavesdropping?"

"You were rather loud to be calling it eavesdropping," he attests.

I sit up straight. "Alright then. This actually makes it easier. I do not want to marry you. Do not be too discouraged. I do not wish to marry anyone. I believe you agree with me. Then that is it. Tell your parents no. Goodbye, Mister Cherauno."

I get up and am collecting my things when he says, "Unfortunately, it is not that easy."

I turn. "What does that mean?"

"I do not agree with you. And I will not say no."

My stomach clenches. "Why? Do you want to marry me?"

He laughs lightly, looking at me like I'm a lost animal out of its cage. I've heard about him. Other than from Hanna too. He's brutal when it comes to business. And we are business. I suppress a shiver when he gets up, pushes his chair in, leisurely buttons his coat and walks to me across the table. "I didn't say I want to marry you. I just won't say no to it." He grabs the top of the chair I was sitting in and pushes it in as well. "Goodbye, Miss Clemonte."

He walks past me, leaving me staring at the spot he was standing in a moment ago. I snap out of my reverie at the sound of Asher exiting the cafe. I turn around to see a car stop by just in front of him. I hurry out. "Stop!"

He halts just beside his car. His driver, who's holding the door open to him, looks at me with surprise, says something that I can not make out to Asher then proceeds to sit back in the car.

"Yes, Miss Clemonte?"

"Why can't you say no?"

He doesn't hesitate. "I did not say I can't. I said I won't."


"No reason."

I feel my fingers curling into a fist. "So that's it, you'll marry a stranger?"

He just smiles. "Do you need a ride, Miss Clemonte? There are no cabs on this road and the network service is poor."

I lift my brows. "Does it really not bother you that you're marrying a stranger?"

He stays quiet. Again. He doesn't answer questions, when he does it's barely more than one word. It makes me feel like I'm always at the weak end of the rope. Like he always has the upper hand.

"Are you deaf?"


The nettlesome silence stretches on. We stare, silently sizing each other up. I will not be prey. His shoulders are squared back, head held up. Now I get why Hanna said all his workers are scared shitless of him. He oozes off assertiveness. He could wear a red outfit, play a song with a pipe and everyone would follow him like mice.

I break the silence. "I brought my car. Thank you for the offer."

He looks at me for a moment, contemplating something I do not know. "Sure?" he asks.

      I frown. "Yes."

      He just nods, gets in his car and is driven off.

My heart beats fast for some reason. Anticipation? Curiosity? Adrenaline? He makes me uncomfortable. Ten minutes in his presence and I'm standing on my toes all the way. Asher Cherauno is not the little shy kid I pushed into a pool when we were children anymore. It's... interesting.

Every part of me is telling me to run the other way, except that one, stupid, stupid part. It urges me to discover him. Crack him open.

The second he leaves I get a message from my friend, Alicia. An article about him. The biggest mistake of my life. Dominic Caldwell. My ex fiancé. The asshole I mistook for the love of my life. We knew each other since high school—fifteen years. We dated for six years. Were engaged for one. Were going to be married in a few months. And he threw it all away in one night when he decided to sleep with Ashley Carter. I had heard of his company securing a really big investment that landed him on the map. I went to congratulate him. Only to find him and Ashley bundled up in his bed.

He said it was a mistake, that he did not care about her. He said he hated himself because everyone thought the only reason he was who he was was because he was engaged to me. Eda Clemonte. He said it was him blowing off some steam. But he wanted me to forget it. He said it did not change anything between, that he still loved me and that he still wanted to marry me.

For a shameful moment, I did consider it. Maybe it was my fault.

Just a moment.

And now they are engaged. I stare at their photo. Ashley is an actress. Well known and beautiful. I knew her from many gatherings and I hate myself for not seeing the apparent change in Dominic's smile whenever she was near us. The guilty look on his and Ashley's face whenever we talked.

There were no explanations as to what happened between us in the start. We just broke up. But just after three weeks, Dominic was accidentally seen with actress Ashley Carter and everything became clear.

Very few actually even paid what Dominic did any mind to know he cheated. Most overlooked that fact because 'Eda Clemonte got duped by the guy she turned into Cinderella'.

Of course, this would happen. They all care about one thing: entertainment. And what better entertainment then the heir to Clemonte group's fiancé dating a young actress just three weeks after they broke up.

But despite everything, what I was most ashamed of was the fact that I deep down wished I had never found out. It was pathetic and stupid of me but I loved him. He was the only person I ever loved. I thought we were happy. I thought he loved me too. I thought I would finally have my happy ending.

And now I am scared. I am scared that what if I end up falling for someone else, and they secretly hate me too?

Dominic burned a hole through me. Through my self image, my confidence, my everything. And I hate myself for not saying anything to anyone. For taking it all like a pathetic, thick skinned human being that I never thought I would become. People talk about me wherever I go. They either pity me or they are amused at what happened.

Either way it has been two months and now the only thing I wish for is for them to forget everything. For something else to catch their attention. Any scandal, anything. Just to get their unforgiving eyes off me.

And just like that, an eery thought slithers it's way to my mind. Maybe I should just marry Asher. Marrying him will be like marrying into royalty. Maybe I should show Dominic exactly how low he was to me.

Something in me wakes. Something Dominic killed a few months ago. I take very determined steps to my car. Asher Cheruano might just have some use after all.

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