Chapter 15: Their Dreams and Mine

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Hey, Sup? Remember me? The author. I know it's been a long time, but this story will be finished by the end of 2021. Hopefully that will be before December 31st. Okay, now let's do this!

(Reader's) POV:

'What?...where am I? Why do I hurt?' My questions were left unanswered as I called out to darkness. I felt conscious,  just unaware. A dreamy mystery state where I couldn't tell if I was alive or dead. I was alone in my own void, when I heard a sound.

"(Reader)?! (Reader)! Oh thank god, she's waking up" a man's voice spoke through the darkness.

'That voice..., I know that voice' I thought. Light started to shine through my world as I cracked open my eyes. I was met with familiarity, my bedroom, my bed, and most amazingly of all my father, sitting right at my bedside. Tears slid down his face, hope was visible in his eyes.

"D-dad" my strained voice struggled to push out words.

I was quickly wrapped in a tight embrace, one that seemed everlasting and only filled with love. I wanted to hold him back, yet there seemed to be a weight attached to my arms. Regardless, with a little extra effort, I hugged him back.

"Oh (reader) I-I... I'm so happy you're safe" I could tell he was at a loss of words, and so was I. I was numb to the feeling but I knew I was crying too. Finally! Finally! I made it back home! To my dad! To my life! I tried to recall how I got back to my room, but I couldn't remember anything, I had a foggy memory of being on a lifeboat, and that was it.

"I thought I'd never see you again," my dad said, whimpering into my shoulder.

I half tried to push my father off me, so I could look him in the eye. He had noticeable concern on his face.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself before asking, "Dad...What-what happened to me?" I croaked out.

"We we're at sea on a research vessel when a colossal storm hit. I-I wasn't sure if we would make it, so I decided to put you in a lifeboat as an extra precaution to ensure your safety. By some miracle we manage to survive the storm. Immediately we started to search the seas for your ship. We called everyone, coastguard, navy, you name it, but.. the search team couldn't locate you. We were beginning to lose hope, when finally some fishermen came across your boat, it was down in the South seas, no one knows how you could have possibly drifted so far, but thankfully they rescued you. But when they found you, you were incredibly malnourished and dehydrated. You've been recovering for the past week, floating in and out of consciousness.

"Wha-what about the research?...Did you complete the study?" I asked

"What? No! Of course not, (reader) after the storm hit, finding you became my number one priority." I had to smile at his words, at my silly question. There was a loving moment of silence between us. However my brain had to ruin it. The face of a teen boy flashed in my vision, I could see a tail, crystal clear waters, with colourful fish. All things that seemed like a fairy tale dream. My father noticed my furrowed brows and confusing look.

"What's wrong (reader)? Are you in pain, do you need me to grab an ice pack"

"N-no, but actually yes to the ice pack, it's just that.. well. I'm having a memory, I think, of something about a boy, wait n-no two men.. or maybe three, they-they swam no, they lived in the water. And- and.."

"Huh?" My father now looked as confused as I was "(reader) I don't understand what you're talking about, was this at sea?" He asked

"Yes, I was on the lifeboat, but, but everything is so foggy, like I can't remember specific details"

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