Chapter 10: Into the Sea

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(Reader)'s POV:

"(READER)!!", the sound of Luffy's voice pulled me from my sleep. "I'll be out in a minute", I said, sitting up. I twisted my head around looking for my shirt.

"(Reader)!" he called again, now shaking the ship. "One second!" I grasped my shirt in hand, throwing it over my head.

Suddenly I heard the pod hatch open, I flailed trying to pull my shirt down over my chest as fast as possible. When my head was poking through the neck hole, I could see Luffy staring at me in a daze.

"I said I'd be out in a minute, can't you wait" he snapped out of his trance.

"Ahh.. ya sorry". He said, scooting back, allowing me to exit the pod. Luffy sat on the edge, with his tail in the water.

"I didn't see you at all yesterday, where were you?" I asked, reaching for a water bottle. Taking a seat next to him.

"I had some stuff I needed to take care of" Luffy looked away, I was pretty sure he was hiding something, but if he didn't want to share, I wouldn't press further.

I faked a smile, "Oh okay."

"Did you miss me?" he leaned in closer, awaiting my answer,

"Actually ya, I did. It can get pretty lonely" surprisingly, Luffy hugged me. Speaking in my ear, he said "Don't worry (reader), I'll never leave you." Though his words were meant to be comforting, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. 'You'll never leave because I'll never be rescued' I thought. I pulled away.

"Did anything happen while I was gone?" Luffy asked. I hesitated, remembering my battle with Law and later how he came to visit.

"No, not really. Though it did rain, which was nice."

"So nothing unusual happened at all?" Luffy pushed, 'was he trying to get at something? Did he know about Law?' but I promised to keep this between me and Law'

"Nope, just a regular boring day," I said, deciding to not tell.

Luffy narrowed his eyes and pouted his lip for a moment before returning to his joyous boy face.

"Well I'm here now, so I promised today won't be boring", I smiled slightly at his words.

"Okay then, so what do you wanna do today?" I asked.

"I was thinking you and I could go swimming," Luffy said, tugging on my arm.

"Luffy I told you before, I can't breathe underwater like you can". I protested

"You don't need to be able to breathe underwater to swim (reader). You can just hold your breath."

"But I-"

"Come on!" Luffy said, tugging on my arm like a child. I knew there was no changing his mind.

"Okay, okay, but let me get in on my own okay, I don't need you pulling my arms out of my socket"

Luffy let go of me "oops sorry (reader)".

Standing up, I place the water bottle back in its original location. Luffy slinked back into the water. Standing tall, I stretched my arms upwards and leaned my torso to the sides. I pull one of my knees to my chest, then repeat on the opposite side.

"What are you doing?" Luffy asked.

"Stretching, the last thing I want is to get a cramp in the water". My body was still sore after my life or death battle with Law.

I walked towards the back of the boat and sat down putting my legs into the water. Luffy swam in front of me with his arms stretched out to the side.

"It's okay (reader) jump and I'll catch you," he said with a wide grin.

With a smile, I rolled my eyes at his goofy behaviour. Taking his word, I pushed off from the boat and lunged my upper body into the water, right into Luffy's arms. The water splashed around us.

"See I told ya I catch you". 

I pushed myself out of Luffy's arms, dunking my head under the water. I twisted around underwater getting my bearings. Towards the front end of the ship I could make out some kind of seaweed patch, opposite to that was corals and sand areas.

"Ahh" I broke the surface, inhaling new air.

"See anything interesting," Luffy asked.

"Just some seaweed and corals" I shrugged while treading water.

Luffy paused for a moment, most likely thinking about what I had said. "How bout I show ya something new then!?"

This wasn't a question, but I played along as if it was. "Ya!" I grinned for the boy.

"Great!" Luffy said. "I pull you along on the surface till we get there", he wrapped his arms around my waist and locked them together tight. Flipping me onto my back, I was pressed against his chest. He swam off, distancing us from the ship. I closed my eyes feeling the sun on my face and the cool water on my skin.

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I didn't want to be with Luffy, but I could help be concerned about being in the water for so long. What if another ship sailed past mine? What if we go too far? Or get caught in a current? I could lose the ship, or worse drown! I just could shake the voice in the back of my head.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Luffy's voice broke through my thoughts

"Ahh nothing, just thinking about everything that has changed in my life"

"Does that upset you?" To think about your old life?"

'Huh 'My old life' what does that mean?' I thought.

"Ahh kinda, but not really, because thinking about my world makes me actually happy or at least hopeful that I'll get back there" I smiled.

Luffy was quiet, I could feel his tail brush past my legs with every stroke.

I could see his face, but I knew Luffy was pouting. He probably didn't like the idea that his new friend can't stay with him forever. But hey, that sucks for him. I have family and friends and a LIFE I need to get back to.

Before I could speak up, Luffy shouted.

"We're here". 

I flipped off of Luffy and looked under me. The water was even more shallow, only 2 or 3 feet below my toes. Yet, somehow even with this shallow water, I still couldn't see any islands or landmasses. Returning my gaze back to the ocean floor, the sand was no longer white, but rather and off-coloured pink. 

"neat huh?" Luffy said, I nodded in agreement. taking a deep breath, I dunked underwater. pressing my feet against the sand. This was the softest sand I had ever felt in my life, like a silk pillow. I returned to the surface. 

"ahh.. ah.. how bizarre, beautiful, but bizarre," I said. 

Luffy turned his head from me, looking to the left. his ear twitched, "ah here they come".

"huh? here comes what?" I asked. 

"big breath," Luffy said, I did then Luffy pulled me underwater.

In a moment a rush of gold sparkles went past us, then darted around and going right past us again. Looking in closer, I could see that this gold blanket was made up of tiny fish. Like a magic carpet, they swam all around us. Needing air, I tugged my hand away. Luffy released me, allowing me to get oxgyen once more. 

"wow! that incredible" I said in awe. Luffy just smiled back, please to see me happy. 

This world was definitley strange, however I couldn't deny the beauty and mystery within it. 

Claiming Waters जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें