chapter 5

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Today was my second day here at UA(well third if you count the concert) but we're now starting the academic portion of UA and it's a snooze fest.

"All right, class, tell me where the mistake is in this next english sentence example..." Present Mic asked.

"Who knows the answer? Everybody hands-up and raise them high!" Present Mic shouted

Class 1-A: "so normal"

Bakugo:"This is so fucking boring!"

And soon after that it was lunch time and it's a good thing I pact my own lunch and I decided to sit with ochako and iidea and as I pulled out my bento box and enjoyed

And then, finally- The afternoon portion! Our daily foundational heroics studies!

Ochaco: I wonder who will teach us hero basic training?

Then they heard a booming voice

"It's me! Coming Through the door, like a normal person!" The Number One Hero, All Might, yelled as he went through the door. In a weird pose.

"I can't believe it! All Might's really gonna be teaching us!" The boy with black hair with the Tape Quirk, I believe his name was, Hanta Sero, Yeah! Sero, shouted

"That design is so silver age! That art style clashes so much it's giving me goosebumps..." Ejiro Kirishima, exclaimed.

"Foundational Hero Studies! For this class, We'll be building up your Hero Foundation through various trials! You'll get tons of credit for it!" All Might gushed.

"Let's jump right in with this! Today you'll have a... Battle Trial!" All Might jabbered.

"A Battle Trial!?" Everyone shouted.

As all might said this izuku could only smirk and a sadistic Pomeranian had a crazy smile on his face

"And to go with your first battle..." All Might continued.

Everyone was confused.

"We've prepared the gear we had you sent in request for to match with your quirks!" All Might exclaimed.

"Our Battle Gear! Awesome!" Everyone was so excited to try on their Hero costumes.

"Get changed and we will be going! Everyone gather at Grounds B! The Costume you bring to the battlefield is vitally important, Boys and Girls!" All Might jabbered.

"And don't forget from here on out, you are officially HEROES!" All Might added.

Izuku: "this will be fun".

"All right! Let's see what you are made of, you bunch of Newbies!" All Might exclaimed.

As everyone was done changing except for izuku that's when all might spoke

All might: you all look super

Ochaco: hey where's Izuku?

As they were wondering where there green hair class mate until they heard a deep voice from behind them and when they saw who it was let's say the girls had major blushes.

As they were wondering where there green hair class mate until they heard a deep voice from behind them and when they saw who it was let's say the girls had major blushes

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
NEON The Hacker Of UATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang