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"Excuse you I like to think I am" Clint said as he walked into the room

"Your funny but I am" Loki said behind Clint

"No I am Tommy and Zara love me!" Pietro said behind Loki

"I am actually the favourite" Sam said coming out of the dark corner

"Where the fuck did you come from?!" Peter asked half scared

"Doesn't matter the thing that matters is that I'm the favourite Uncle" Sam said walking over to all the guys and Wanda

"I believe I am" Flash said

"Where the fuck did you come from and when did you get here!?!?" Peter asked now thinking his going crazy

"Oh I just got here I told you I was coming over to get my laptop didn't I?" Flash asked

"Oh ok" Peter said and Thor walked in

"What are you talking about?" Thor asked holding Tommy in his arms

"Where is the other baby?" Wanda asked

"She's asleep I'm trying to get him to sleep, What are you guys talking about?" Thor asked again

"They all think their the babies favourite Uncle except Peter he thinks the babies hate him" Wanda said

"They aren't even babies anymore, they are almost 8 months old"

"That's still a baby you big idiot" Wanda replied

"Oh, anyway I hate to break it to you all but it's very clear they are obsessed with Bucky, it's kinda creepy" Thor said questioning to himself why they like him so much

"I know right every kid he has met seems to be obsessed with him I don't know why, even my own sister prefers him a lot more then me" Peter said as Morgan walked in

"That's not true Peter... I like him a bit more" Morgan said with a small laugh

"Wait why are you lot out here anyway" Wanda asked

"Steve and Yelena" Sam said sitting down on the couch

"Man of Iron, Man of Shields, Women of Guns" Thor replied "I don't like Man or Winter very much" Thor said

"His not man of winter~" Peter said "~That's seriously just the code name he was given from Hydra WinterSoldier he doesn't have the power of Winter at all" Peter was half confused

"Oh, I still don't like him very much my kids like him more then me" Thor said

"No they don't" Wanda said taking Tommy from Thor

"Why are the rest of you here" Peter asked

"I was hanging out with" Wanda said

"I was bored" almost the rest of them said

"Natasha Romanoff" Clint said

"Hello Clint Barton" Nat said hugging him "it's good to see you all" She said as Carol walked out "Hey babe"

"Hey Nat" Carol kissed Nat and they sat down next came in Yelena she had a cut on her cheek and looked slightly beaten up

"Shit are you alright?" Peter asked

"Y-Yeah I just have to sit down I'll be fine Pete" Yelena said walking over to Sam and sits next to him

Now Tony and Steve walk in Steve limping as well

"Are you alright Steve?" Thor asked

"Yeah I'm fine just broke my leg I'll be fine" Steve sat on the lounge and Morgan hugged Tony

"Hey dad" Morgan said

"Hey baby" Tony said giving Morgan a kiss on the forehead

And finally Bucky walked in looking as handsome as always making Peters stomach fill with Butterflies

"What are you looking at?" Bucky asked staring at Peter

"Well it definitely isn't the door" Peter replied with a sassy tone

"Don't be sassy with me" Bucky said back

"You can't tell me what to do" Peter said back

"You sure about that" Bucky asked

"They haven't seen eachother in a little over 4 months and the first thing they do is argue?" Steve said

"Wait 50 seconds" Tony said rolling his eyes

"Of cause I'm sure don't question me!" Peter said walking closer to Bucky now they are only inches away

"Stop talking" Bucky said

"Will you stop te~" Peter was interrupted by Bucky pulling him into his chest making Peter stop himself by putting his arms on in between him and Bucky

"You should stop talking" Bucky said trying to Pull Peter closer


"Someone's angry" Bucky Whispered into Peters ear making him feel weak to his knees feeling the hot breath of his boyfriend against his neck

"St-Stop that" Peter stuttered with his small sentence making Bucky smirk

"5... 4" Tony said

"Stop what?" Bucky whispered before kissing Peters neck

"3... 2..." Tony said

"Tha- That" Peter said

"No" Bucky said

"1..." Tony said and Peter kissed Bucky "what did I tell ya"
Bucky deepened the kiss and Peter throw his arms around Bucky's neck "Alright that's enough! Hand off my son!" Tony yelled

"I'm missed you" Peter said pulling away from Bucky

Bucky chuckled "I bet you did" Peter punched him

"Hey!" Peter yelled

"I missed you too Princess" Bucky said pulling him into a hug

"Princess?" Thor asked Bucky chuckled and Peter went a dark shade of red

"Oh it's actually a funny story~" Bucky was cut of by Peter slapping him "That I'm not gonna tell"

"Good" Peter said "Now who wants to watch a movie"

Everyone said yes and Wanda put Tommy to bed before they all watched The little mermaid on

The End

I really hope you guys enjoyed this story I have another story that will be coming out soon it's a SpiderFrost, WinterSpider story.


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