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It's been 2 weeks Peter has been opening up to everyone more then he used to, he and Bucky have talked a few times but not much they aren't back together because Bucky is still sad and Peter is still trying to come to terms with the fact that he loves Bucky and Bucky loves him.

"Stevie" Bucky ran over to the blond man and hugged him

"Hey Buck what's got you in such a good mood today?" Steve asked Bucky

"I got a motorcycle yesterday and I'm finally taking it out!!" Bucky said with pure excitement

"That's great Buck I know how much you've wanted one for the last few months" Steve replied to his friend with a smile

"I'm going but don't worry I'll be back later and make you some of my famous Cookies" Bucky said before leaving and taking his bike out


Bucky left hours ago and no one has been able to contact him, Steve is panicking which is making Nat, Yelena, Sam, Cling, Wanda, Thor and Bruce all panic. Tony was starting to worry a little along with everyone else who wasn't full blown panicking, the only person who was completely calm was Peter

Mainly because he hadn't been home that whole day and no one had told him because they have no clue how he would react but now his home and walked into

"Hey guys... what's wrong why do you all look like someone's cat died?" Peter asked while everyone stared at him. Steve runs into the room

"He still hasn't answered!!" Steve yelled before turning to see who everyone has been looking at "Peter..."

"Who hasn't answered?" Peter asked curiously

"Um... my... my friend" Steve answered nervously

"Steve love you only have us and Bucky... speaking of do you know where he is?" Peter asked starting to grow worried as everyone stairs at him with worried looks

"Peter... we haven't heard from him since earlier today when he left" Steve replied with a shaky voice as Peter froze in him place his face filling with a cold expression and didn't make a sound

"P-Peter?" Morgan looked at her brother with a worried look

"When?" Peter asked nearly being able to get the word out "When did he leave Steve!?" Peter yelled

"Around 11" Steve's voice still full of worry

"It's fucking 7pm Rogers!" Peter was furious before making himself sound calm "He has been gone for 12 hours and your only telling me now that his gone"

"Peter w-why do you sound so calm?" Tony asked worry all over his face

"You. Didn't. Call me. Or even. Text. Me" Peter said calmly again

"He isn't calm Tons this is the scary kind of Peter" Natasha and Sam had both said

"Why? Why didn't you text me?" Peter asked with a calm tone

"We didn't know how you would react and you were out it's not like you could have done anything" Thor replied

"Whatever" Peter said with a tiny bit of anger and worry in his voice before getting his phone out to call Bucky "Pick up"

"Why would he answer you if he can? You are in an argument" Steve asked

"I don't know Steve I'm calling anyway alright if you have a problem I don't give a fuck" Peter was interrupted by a lady answering Bucky's phone

"Hello?" The lady said

"Hello? My who are you?" Peter asked

"My name is Mandy Hill, I work at the Berkly hill Hospital I'm here with Mr Barnes" Mandy said

"H-hello what happened is he okay?" Peter asked a wave of worry rushed over him

"Yes his ok, he got into a bike accident and broke his leg but other then that his fine, we have given him some oxygen as he had a big panic attack earlier." Mandy said "I'm wondering who might you be?"

"Oh I'm Peter Stark his... f-friend. Do you mind if I come see him? And bring a few friends" Peter asked with a slightly shaky voice

"Of cause you can Mr Stark" Mandy said

"Call me Peter my father goes by Mr Stark, I'll be there soon" Peter said before hanging up


At the hospital Peter, Steve, Nat, Yelena, Morgan and Sam are all there looking for Bucky's room

"Hi how can I help you" a Nurse asked

"Well we clearly aren't here to get fucking dinner are we!" Peter said back annoyed but Yelena hit him on the arm "Sorry"

"It's quite alright what I meant was who are you looking for?"

"James Barnes" Steve said

"Room 105 floor 2" A nurse replied

Steve smiled "Thank you"


They got up to Bucky's room and Sam tripped over his own foot

Word count 792

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