"Eat Your Heart Out, Lemony Snicket."

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Two days left before the Portorosso Cup. Training has become a bit more strenuous. Luca's starting to get used to the uphill. It's the downhill that's his problem. Alberto finally got the hang of keeping the spaghetti on his fork.


Anyway, we're gonna try again with the downhill thing again. We passed the fountain, and two people shouted "Luca!" And he sped up and turned into an alley. Am I the only one who thought those were his parents?

What were their names again?

"Where are we going?" Giulia asked. "Uh... A shortcut." Luca answered. "Steeper, rough terrain... I like it. Why aren't you training?" Alberto shoved a handful of pasta from his pocket into his mouth, then said with his mouth full "I'm always training."

Okay but he's not eating pasta with a fork like he's supposed to—

After a few minutes, we made it back up to the top of Mount Portorosso. Quicker than last time, too. "Bravo, Luca. That was your fastest yet." Giulia praised. I hopped off the bike to hear a train horn. 

"Ooh, guys, look!" Surely enough, there's the train. "That's the train to Genova." Giulia said. "That goes to your school?" Luca asked. "Yeah."

I heard Alberto scoff. I've tried getting answers out of him, but he wouldn't budge. I never left his side, though. I think his hinted jealousy has something to do with not realizing/noticing the fact yet.

"I was wondering, actually, is your school open to everyone?" Luca asked. Alberto gave him a look. "Well, it costs a little money, but I guess." Giulia answered. I'm guessing he's reconsidering the Vespa thing, then...

"Great. Thank you, Giulia, for showing us the boring thing that takes us to the terrible place. Now, can we focus on what matters? If we lose this race, we're not going anywhere."

I'm close to asking him, again, what's eating him. Because I know somethings bothering him. 

"Santa mozzarella. The downhill." Luca said, nervous. "I know it looks scary. But here's what you need to know..." Alberto gave her another look when she put her hand on to of Luca's. Then he snapped "Would you stop bossing him around?"

"What is your problem?" Giulia asked. "That is an excellent question, Giulia. Alberto?" I said. He know what I mean. "I'm his friend. I know what he needs." Alberto answered, grabbing Luca's shoulder. "Oh, yeah? Well, then, what does he need?" Giulia asked.

"Me." Alberto answered as he got on the bike with Luca, pulling me with him. "We'll just ride it like we did on the island. Together."

This won't end well, I already know.

"Andiamo." And downhill we went. We were going too fast for my liking. Again. 

"Alberto, stop!"

"That's Bruno talking!"

"No! I'm pretty sure that's just me!"

Unlike on the island, I genuinely think we're gonna either get badly injured, or actually die.

"Look out!"

Oh no, staircase!

The bike crashed into the railing, knocking all three of us from it, landing in the ocean. "Well, that went well." I barked sarcastically at Alberto, who just rolled his eyes. Sooner than I expected, Giulia showed up. We hid so she wouldn't see us. It was muffled from down here, but she said "Oh, no! Luca! Alberto! Galileo!"

"She'll see us. Come on!" I guided the boys to a rocky shore, not very far from where we landed. I took a breath in, then blew it out, water spraying out instead of air. I covered my mouth. What's happening to me?! Did I suddenly get an internal organ that gives me this ability?

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