Runaway Rover

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This chapter is gonna be a bit on the short side.

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No pressure...


So, it's been about a week now. Luca came up here to see us pretty much every day to help create another makeshift Vespa.

By the way, I have a wooden sword now, and I'm not giving it to anyone.

I just wanna as someone say to me 'let me see what you have!' Then I say, muffled, 'a knife!' Then that same someone says 'NO!' and starts chasing me.

I have strange but humorous fantasies...

Anyway, the last makeshift Vespa we made, I held the ramp. This time, the front part of it broke off first. Then I got attacked by a seagull, resulting in me smacking it into Alberto's face with the ramp. He fell off of the 'Vespa' and didn't exactly make it to the ramp. But the way he reacted to it, I just couldn't help but laugh.

Other days, we just had plain fun. And I did not leave that wooden sword out of my sight. I know, I said I was afraid of sharp objects, but harpoons in particular, so yeah, I have my first and probably only possession.

And speaking of humorous fantasies, I'm imagining how our third makeshift Vespa holds up. But, apparently...

"Why do we ALL have to be on it?" I complained. "I don't even think we can all fit!"

"We gotta ride it together this time, Gal."

Oh. That's a fun little name he likes to call me. I called him 'Berto' the other day, he did NOT seem to care much for that one, lemme tell ya.

"If you don't sit on the back and hold on to the front, the whole thing falls apart." Alberto explained. I huffed. "Fine."

"And who's holding the ramp?" Luca asked. "The turtle. Come on, he's faster than he looks." Alberto said. "Okay, here we go."


Well, this is awkward. 

"You, uh, coming?" Alberto asked. "Nuh-uh." I said, shaking my head. "Nope. I can't do it. Never in a million years." Luca said.

"Hey, hey, hey. I know your problem. You've got Brunos in your heads." Alberto said. I drew my ears back. This is the most confusing thing he's ever said to me, and that's saying something. "Brunos?" I asked. "Yeah. I get one, too, sometimes. 'Alberto, you can't.' 'Alberto, you're gonna die.' 'Alberto, don't put that in your mouth.' Guys, it's simple. Don't listen to stupid Bruno." Alberto explained, then told us.

I was still a tad confused. "Why is his name Bruno?" Luca asked. "I don't care. It doesn't matter. Call him whatever you want. Shut him up. Say, "Silenzio, Bruno."

I don't know if I should question him a bit further, or just do it. I reluctantly went with it. "Silenzio Bruno?" 

"Louder! "Silenzio, Bruno!"

"Silenzio, Bruno."

"Silenzio, Bruno!"

"Silenzio, Bruno!"

"Silenzio Bruuuuuuuuuuno!" I unintentionally howled this time. They were quick to recover from their slight shock. "Can you still hear him?" Alberto asked, still screaming. "Nope! Just you!" Luca and I answered, also screaming. "Good!" Alberto put a strainer on Luca's head, and pulled the two of us onto the makeshift Vespa. "Now hang on!"

I am gonna die.


And down the hill we went. I was holding onto Alberto's waist for dear life, my voice vibrating with the bumpy road we were riding on. Luca grabbed on to my waist too after a couple of seconds. 

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