niki (nihachu) x reader

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reader: 19 years old, Female, lesbein

niki: 19 years old,Female,bi

                                               (side note your Wilbur's youger sister) TW:homophobia


I was in my room minding my own business singing but I was a little  to loud. Out of no where I heard Wilbur yell "Y/N STOP BEING SO LOUD"  I stopped and put down my guitar down the I walked down to the kitchen to get my left over food just to find it not there I wailed to Wilbur's room just to hear him say "GUYS Y/N IS MY SISTER NOT MY GIRLFRIEND-" "and I'm a lesbian so I could never date Wilbur" he looked at me with an irritated look "what
I'm just saying the truth" what do you want I'm live and I'm on a call?" I looked him dead in the eyes and said "did you eat my food from last night" he looked at his camera and looked at me with a pail face and he tole out his earbuds got up are walked to me and are out the door.

Niki POV

I was teasing Wilbur about the girl that was singing in the back round loud and really good I asked Wilbur "who's that singing in your back round there re-" Y/N STOP BEING SO LOUD" Wilbur said while cutting me off so that I cant finish my sentence Wilbur looked back at the camera and to look at his chat and saying that Y/N was his girlfriend but after a got a donation saying that Wilbur and the girl named Y/N sound like a really cute cupel Wilbur obviously got mad at that and it so happened that Y/N came in the room as soon as he said that I was laughing so hard but when she came on the screen I was blushing at what she said after we had that conversation I asked her how old she was she said "I'm 19 what about you?" oh "I'm 19 too" 


I didn't expert her to say she was 19 mostly bc Wilbur was 24 and I was 19 I thought he played games with people his age and not my age by the time I was surprised Wilbur walked in and ruining the fun before I left I asked her 2 questions 1 "do u listen to girl in red?" and "what is you Instagram "she gave me her Instagram and said yes to girl in red and then Wilbur kick me out so I left.


Wilbur walked in to my room "hay y/n do you want to get some chinees food?" "yes I whould like that if you don't mine and your paying" we walked to the closest chiness food restraunt  we called ahead so all we had to do was walking and grabe are food.  it was june so I was whering my lesbian mask and some ladie in the story looked at me when I walked in was "ew being gay is a sin your going to burn in hell for this and never die your just showing that you worship sation" I started to cry and ask Wil if I chould walk back home. I was walking down the street back to the house as soon as I opend the door I just had a full on mental brake down.


Wilbur hade invited me to come stay with him and his sister I had kinda fallen in love with with her we talked ever day sines we meet and oneday when I was playing fasmaphobi I got a measage form them that said "hay it's ok is just a game and I'm here and waching so you dont have to be scared after" I had fallen hard for this girl even thought I barly know her she was beautiful,cute, funny and ever thing you chould think of she was perfect for me she was for me I was standing in the kitchen wating for Wilbur and y/n to come back home untill y/n was the only one who walked in and have a mental brake down I walked over to her and said "hay hay it's ok hay I'm hear for you tell me what's the problom


I walked in and hade a mental brake down  I looked up and saw NIki? yes it was Niki. I looked up and she help me stand up and she pulled me in to a hug even thought she wasen't there she had pulled me to the couch and I just laid with her I had fallen for this girl hard I hadn't relised to that I had fallen asleep bc of the migrain I had had from crying I woke up laying on the couch I had sit up and remberd what happened  I looked at the clock to see it was and hour after Wilbur and I had gotten food. I looked around to see Wilbur and Niki eating the food Wilbur had just gotten I walked over to them and NIki gave me hug saying "I'm so sorry that happened to you earlyr" I hugged her back blushing a little bit and said "its ok I get it all the time" I pulled away and then looked at Wilbur and said "why diden't you tell me she was comeing here" "look I'm sorry for not telling you but it was a good suprise right?" "ya now where's my food" it's right here I take my food and sit next to Niki and Wilbur started to talk and as I was eating Wilbur had said "y/n you don't mind if Niki chould sleep in your room for the time she is here?" I had choked on my food  the looked at Wilbur who had a grin on his face so I smiled "sure I don't mind" 


I was sitting on my bed when Niki walked in and sat next to me I was watching one of minx videos. Niki had sat down next to me and put her had on my thigh I was dying on the in side bc the girl that I had a huge crush on had willingly put her hand on my thigh I then put my hand on hers and inter twined my fingers with her and laid my head on her shoulder after the video ended Niki looked at me and said "y-y/n I-I  I like you a lot like not as a friend but in a romantic way" I looked up at her and kissed her she kissed back and I pulled away for air. we laid down and cuddle in the night.

1111 words 

ges this was long this took me to days just to make anyway make sure you have had food and some water and not soda yes I an talking about one person that I know is reading this but have a good night or day 

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