Broken 15-Wasn't Made for Love

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Dedication, dedication to Asool1 you are one beautiful reader. Thank you for the votes and comments, very much appreciated. :-)

*Fahmy's POV.*

My mind plays back to our argument and the results in that paper, as my hands swing the racket out of instinct. I wasn't aware of my opponent, as he well knew that I was only physically in that field. Spiritually I was devastated once again, I thought I would be used to all my women abandoning me. But the pain never gets easy, no matter how many times the heart is broken.

My whole life I just learned to live with it. Though this time I have the feeling that I drove her away, I always expected that she would eventually do as the others did, that when she came up with the boy and all my past I found it easier to just make her go without going through all the tough phase and struggle to put things together, finding comfort in others arms and come with stupid apologies. It has got too easy this time, but not when she was right and I was an idiot. Not when she asked for a family and I simply destroyed that because I never really got over my past.

When I give for myself, the coach had called for time out and I never heard him. I put myself to walk and grab a bottle of water in my hands and taking a sit before he starts giving his lecture.

"What in hell were you playing, Fahmy?" The coach demands looking at me in a furious tone. I didn't even bother to answer, I stand up grabbing a towel and start walking away. "Where are you going now, you can't leave without getting those shots right." I turn back to look at him and press my lips together in a deep breath before marching towards him.

"Actually you are right." I say think for a while trying to find the right words to tell him. "I shouldn't have left home without getting things right." I utter.

"What?" He demands puzzled. "That's the excuse for the shitty game you are presenting when you have a game tomorrow." He complains gesturing around as I look at the man getting mad by the second. "You kids now a days take nothing seriously. Dream of fame and money, and once you get it you just go stupid. Start doing nosense, not trainning. You gotta step your game up, you are not the God of Tennis, yet. Don't go stupid and think that people will still like you playing badly, people want game-"

"-Tennis is merily part of my life. I play Tennis, people applause, yeeey. And then?" I ask him my eyes narrow on him. "There are things more important in this life for me, and I don't make Tennis a priority. I will play tomorrow and don't ask me for more than that." I say and turn my back on him to walk away.

"This is not all about you, you have sponsors and fans that want to see a good game." He yells to me.

"Like I care!." I say back to him making my way out.

Arriving home Teresa tell me that they had already left, it has been half an hour already. I couldn't let her leave without getting things straight, still didn't know how to feel about the boy but maybe I would get used to the idea of living with a piece of Cassie near. The worst she could have done is abandoning him just like that, and now more than ever she has to be charged and go to court for abandonment, at least that.

I drove as fast as I could to reach there before she checks in, the flight was in about an hour, she probably already checked in. Entering the building I run to the gate she was supposed to check in.

I come to a stop and sigh on seeing that she was still sitting outside with a book in her hands, Zack playing with a toy car near her. I watch as she observes him from time to time and as their gazes meet she attempts a smile to him. 

Suddenly she stands up drawing a smile on her lips as she greets someone, I walk closer to check and there was the Harper guy again. Last I checked she told me to not offend her on mentioning him, then I have to watch the scene of them saying goodbyes or maybe travelling together.

They both sit back to the bench, he opens his briefcase and hands her an envelope. I get jealous due to the way she smiles at him, though she never looks straight at him I never really liked the way he looks at her, mainly when they are that close.

I feel my breath going heavy, as the nerves bursts through my skin. They both stand up and I see as he glaces at me, Ilhaam reaches for her suitcase. But he stops her taking the suitcase's handle, I clunch my fist close as they hands collide and she lets him take it for her as she cares spthe child.

My head spins with confusion and I chuckle on the worst of the thoughts. "For a while I thought I was wrong. I wasn't born for love."I whisper to myself as I watch as he leads the way to the checkin line. I feel my eyes filling with tears, but I try to stop it emmidiatly, she doesn't deserve them. It's incredible how Allah keeps testing me the same way over and over again. I have failed twice in a raw, giving myself to the mundane life and forgetting him, now the very person that reminded me of him is the one that breaks me again.

I turn on my heels and march away from that place, it was better this way. No goodbyes and sadtripping moments. She moves on and I go back to black.

As I cross the airport's gates out I hear as someone calls me behind me, not so hard to recognise that annoying deep voice. I turn to him already with a punch across his face, I look at him as he reaches his hand to his bleeding nose.

"We may be fighting but she's still my wife and I will kill you bastard." I say to him as he still down and people around just looking us.

"For Ilhaam, I will not charge you for assault." He says trying to stand up and I punch him again.

"Do as you wish, but if you ever get anywhere near her again, or if I hear her name coming out of your filthy mouth. I will break all you teeth." I say and as he tries to recompose himself I strike him but this time he defends and throws me a punch.

"You wife is right for leaving you, you are not a man next to a woman like her. But a boy with anger issues, you don't know how to appreciate the qualities of a woman like her." He says reaching to my nerve ends, lucky for him the security comes and holds me down, handcuffing my hands behind.

"It's all good, all good. The gentleman here just got a bit emotional." I hear him saying to the security police.

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