The Article and Decisions

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I wake up and see Taylor, fully showered and dressed, looking at something on her phone on her bed. I look at my phone. It's 9:00 AM. I sit up and climb onto Taylor's bed next to her. She puts her arm around me and says, "Good morning, Stella." "Good morning, Mom!" I say. I look over her shoulder, and it seems like she's reading an article of some sort. "Whatcha reading?" I ask. Then Taylor scrolls to the top of the article.

The headline is Taylor Swift announces that she adopted a daughter. I smile when I see the big picture is of Taylor and me hugging after we performed Ready For It together. Taylor hands me her phone, and I read part of the article.

Last night before singing her first song of the evening, Ready For It? Taylor said, "Before we start. I'm sure most of you have seen pictures on the internet of a little girl and me. Well, let me explain those. Stella, come up here!" A little girl came up on stage and stood next to her. Taylor went on to say, "Everyone, this is Stella Skye...Swift! I adopted her on Sunday." After that shocking revelation, Taylor and Stella performed Ready For It? together.

The video of Taylor's speech and the two of us dancing is below the article. I click play. I watch with a smile on my face as Taylor does her speech, and I laugh a little as I watch myself say, "Let's do it!" I smile as I watch myself dance to the song. Last night, I made sure only to do moves that I could do pretty well without hesitating since the world would see me dance. Taylor finishes the song, and I watch myself hug her and walk off stage. Then the video ends.

I skim through the rest of the article. One paragraph talks about Taylor and whether or not she will have time for me. Another section talks about if adopting me was a good or bad decision. I skip that one quickly. The next one is whether I will go to every concert with her. There are a few more other paragraphs about things along those lines.

I hug Taylor and hand her phone back to her. While I was backstage last night, I changed my username on Instagram to @StellaSwift✨. I check my account on my phone. I have 2,000 follow requests now! I accept them all because they are all Swiftie requests. Before Taylor announced me to the world, I only had six. Taylor, Rose, Lauren, Austin, Mama Swift, and Papa Swift. "Taylor, can I make my Instagram account public? I just got 2,000 follow requests from Swiftie's," I say. "Yes! I think you should, or you'll spend too much time accepting follow requests," says Taylor. "Thank you!" I say. "My pleasure!" says Taylor.

Then I get off her bed, shower, and get dressed. I finish ten minutes later, and I sit on Taylor's bed again.

"Stella, since I don't have a concert for three days, I would like to talk to you about something," says Taylor. "Ok!" I say. "Stella, do you remember what I said during rehearsal about you not needing to be at every show?" says Taylor. "Yes," I say. "Ok, good. I have a lot of shows that I 100% want you at. At the same time, there are a few that aren't necessary for you to be at. If things get too complicated, I'll have you at every show! For the ones you aren't at, you'll stay with Selena or Karlie. Does this make sense?" says Taylor. "Yep! What you're saying is that I don't need to be at every show. For the shows that I'm not at, I would be staying with your best friend Selena Gomez or Karlie or another one of your friends. I'm guessing this will also bring you to the topic of school," I say. "That's exactly what I'm saying! You're so smart!" says Taylor. "Thank you!" I say. "Ok, so, on this piece of paper are the shows I want you at. They are listed with their dates. There is one show in particular that I want to talk to you about," says Taylor, as she hands me the piece of paper.

I read the list.

Stella's Concerts for Reputation Tour 2018

Leg 1-North America

Denver, May 25.

Chicago, June 1 and June 2.

Leg 2-Europe

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