Flight to Seattle

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I wake up to Welcome To New York, but this time, it's 2:30 AM. I get dressed, grab my suitcase and my carry-on backpack, and bring them downstairs. I walk back upstairs, and I see the light spilling out from under Taylor's door. I knock on her door, and she says, "Come in, Stella!" so I do.

I see Taylor's suitcase and backpack by the door, and she's sitting in her bed in sweats, just like me. She's reading something. It looks like a file of some sort. Then it hits me. She's reading my file. "Is it a good read at least?" I ask.

Taylor nods and pats a spot next to her on her bed, and I hop on her bed and sit there. "I'm sorry about everything you've been through," says Taylor. I realize what part she's read. She knows about all of the foster homes and what happened in them. I smile softly and shrug. "No kid should go through that," says Taylor, with her arm around me.

"How on Earth did you manage to get great grades in school between all of that going on and your anxiety and ADHD?" asks Taylor. "You," I say. "What?" says Taylor. "You. You and your music helped me achieve my grades and get me through all of that. Plus first and second grade are very easy," I say, smiling.

Taylor smiles and hugs me. She looks at her clock and says, "Alright. It's 2:45. We should eat breakfast before we leave." Then we get up from her bed, and we go downstairs, and she brings her suitcase and backpack with her.

Then I notice something. I don't know how I forgot earlier. "Where are Meredith and Olivia?" I ask. "They're at my New York house! I can't wait for you to meet them!" says Taylor. "Sweet!" I say.

We eat breakfast and bring our stuff to Taylor's car, where her driver is already waiting for us. "Good morning, sir!" I say. "Good morning Miss Swift and little Swift! To the airport?" says the driver. I like him, he's nice. "Yes! To the airport, Jeremy!" says Taylor. "On it!" says Jeremy.

He opens the backseat door for us, and we hop in while he loads our suitcases and backpacks in the trunk. Boy, am I happy that I don't have to go to school today! Jeremy gets into the car and drives us to the airport.

"We'll be taking my private jet, so we don't have to worry about paparazzi on the plane," says Taylor. Oh, yeah, we're taking a plane. I don't know how I forgot about that. I've never flown before. I wonder what it's like. "Cool!" I say. I am looking out my window at the bright lights of LA. I'll miss them and that big city vibe and traffic buzz where everyone is always rushing because they have somewhere to be.

We drive for a little while, and I stare out the window the whole drive. We arrive at the airport, and Jeremy opens our door before getting our bags out of the trunk. Taylor and I thank him. Security meets up with us and surrounds us. Taylor holds my hand as we walk through the airport security and outside to her private jet. Paparazzi follow us and ask lots of questions about me and her relationship, but Taylor doesn't answer any, and I don't either. Taylor's security keeps them away from us. We board the plane with our backpacks on, and Taylor leads me to a seat, and she sits next to me. I'm next to the window, and she has the aisle. I look out the window at the runway and the airport.

After a few minutes, I turn to look at Taylor. "Taylor, what's flying like? I've never been on a plane before, let alone left California," I say. "I like it. I think you're going to like it too. Sometimes when there's turbulence, it feels like a roller coaster. Landing and takeoff are the scariest parts," says Taylor. I nod and smile and turn my head back to the window.

It sounds fun! I am a little nervous about it, though. I'm uncharacteristically quiet. Well, I'm quiet a lot of the time, but it's like I talk too much with Taylor. I look out the window and take in my view before we leave Los Angeles, California and fly to Seattle, Washington. It's a short amount of time before takeoff.

The pilot does the safety speech, and then the pilot turns the seatbelt sign on as we cruise down the runway. I go a little pale, and I notice that my hands are shaking. I think to myself "It's okay. Taylor's right next to you." Noticing that I'm nervous, Taylor holds my hands which stops them from shaking.

"It's going to be okay," she whispers. I nod and look down at my lap. Taylor takes two of her fingers and tilts my chin up to look at her. My emerald green eyes look into her ocean blue eyes. I find them calming like I did when I met her on Friday night. The plane picks up speed, and my heart starts beating rapidly, and seconds later, we're flying! I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

Taylor and I don't sleep during the ride. Instead, we talk the whole time. We don't even notice that we landed until we pull up to our spot on the runway. We unbuckle and put our backpacks on. Taylor's security is in charge of our suitcases. Taylor holds my hand as we get off the plane. Tons of paparazzi are taking pictures of us, and it gets overwhelming, and I bury my face into Taylor's side. She puts her arm around me as we walk. We arrive at her car, and our suitcases are loaded in the trunk. We drive to our hotel, drop off our stuff in our room, change, and then go to tech rehearsal.

Stella Skye Swift!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang