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If only he could indulge a little bit more in that numinous, faultless voice of hers, perhaps he could lose himself in his broken memories and cleanse his soul too.

Toji's lashes falted in malfunction as deadened, tangible reality crashed upon him, the vision splintering and the shards shattering.

"Shite."-he seethed under his breath, befouled locks shaking around the sharp edges of his physiognomy, furious with himself, livid at having allowed those tender emotions he had quashed and suppressed for so long to rise up once more and fool him into thinking his life could ever return to that idyllic reality he once held within his palm.

Toji felt like he was falling, falling and awakening from a long, forgotten dream and into a waking nightmare. His hooded forest green eyes sharpened, irises contracting violently.

No, it was her, she did this.

Fitful, striking rage morphing and revealing the inherently most brutal side of him, Toji ripped back the glass door, nearly smashing it to smithereens and drawing out Y/N's piercing, high-pitched shriek as she attempted vainly to cover up her emaciated naked form with ashen hands too small.

"The fuck did you do to me?!"-he snarled, teeth bared as he shut off the jet of replenishing hot water with a slam of his fist upon the lever, the very structure of the mosaic adorned bath shuddering under the physical exertion he incused like a hammer upon an anvil, his expressions contorted and utterly ballistic as his shadow completely eclipsed Y/N.

Just barely did she manage to pitifully squeak a string of semi-coherent syllables that could only be surmised as I don't know.

Self-loathing took over him as he watched her shattered expressions of incomprehesion. The notches of her spine protruding under blanched skin so taut it looked like it could split. Sleek, drenched strands of hair almost melding into her body giving her an even more disturbing look. Tremor of inconsolable fear careening over her in juddering waves, all the way to the exposed extremities - fingers, toes, nipples too. Her nails sinking into her own scalp from sheer terror, nearly perforating herself.

"Tch."- he spat with compunction, disgusted with himself.

Toji's enormous hands went out, his fingers clasping lightly over her angular, asthenic wrists, gently parting her reaming hands from her scalp, impeding her from self inflicting any further pain.

"Enough of that."-he murmured in undertones, all ire burnt out, so softly it surprised even himself.

Trembling, trickles of water still slipping down her nudity, Y/N fell into an uneasy repose - it was as if she were screaming without ever emitting a single cry, like what she created in the air space, dense with billowing vapor, was the exact opposite of sound, a negative contraction of molecules, a deafening, roaring silence.

Whatever the hell she's capable of with her innate theurgy, better fucking halt it before it implodes, he thought. Without a defined technique, she can't control it.

"Come on sweetheart."-he chuntered in what he hoped was a soothing voice-"Let's get you dried off and dressed up."

The girl's disassembled mind suddenly self arranged with conscience and with it came the painstaking realization of her predicament - once again, she was naked in front of him.

"Don't call me sweetheart!"-she gritted, snapping her wide, inconsolable eyes upon him-"And don't look at me!"

Toji's thought processes snagged, grinding against one another in open conflict as he drank in her words and expressions alike.

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